forum Any poets?
Started by @Every_Fandom_Ever_

people_alt 10 followers

Deleted user

white flowers, dark sun
people running, people run
white flowers, dark sun
everybodys lives are done


Both of yours were really good! Here's one of mine:

If the Creature,
The one with matted hair
Jagged teeth
And sharp claws,
Were a monster
Than we would be the ones in the cage,
Wouldn't we?

@Rvan group

I’m kinda a poet. Here’s a Christmas themed one I dug up shrug

Twas the night before Christmas and the sky was colored red.
Blood dropped from the hidden knife, blood owned by the dead.
The assassins run free; escaped from their cells.
Many people die, you can hear the church bells.



Here's one of mine:

You came in peace, left
With hands bloodied
And we watched you sail, but
We all have Seen, there is
No rest for the wicked