forum Any poets?
Started by @Every_Fandom_Ever_

people_alt 10 followers


don't stop believing
that's what they always said
i always followed those three words
until a gun was at my head

at the other end of the gun
was the hand of my best friend
not anymore she wasn't
for she was about to cause my end

it was all fun and games
until reality hit
i wasn't what she wanted
so then she chose to quit

now here we are in this moment
with a choice to make
her finger quivered on the trigger
and i knew it wasn't fake

don't stop believing
that's what they always said
so when the trigger was released
i believed that i was dead


Lit here I go
Feel free to question my sanity, I do that often too

Don't you love that moment
That moment where nothing makes sense
Except the pills in the cabinet?

Don't you love that feeling
That feeling that tells you you're useless and aggravating
So you deserve to be punished?

Don't you love it when everything is collapsing around you and every voice bangs on your skull
Telling you, yelling at you that no one will ever love you

Because I do
It's better than feeling nothing
It makes me feel human


You came in peace, left
With hands bloodied
And we watched you sail, but
We all have Seen, there is
No rest for the wicked

The bloodstained sand, the scarlet
Lining the sea, where was
Our promised sanctuary?
Your maiden dances still, with
Her shining raiment of violet, yet
There was no pretence, for we
Are the remnant of a haven long gone

You passed through the Halls
Regal still, even in death
She had wept, but
She knew too, there
Is no rest for the wicked

This is the full poem for the verse I shared

What's your poetry style?

Deleted user

i just now found this but hi i write poetry (and then turn them into songs sometimes) too here's one of mine:

you found a bird in the backyard
its wing was torn and its gaze was hard
like an angel on earth, you took it in
Only you didn't know the bird was sin

evil incarnate was the birds name
you lovingly cared for it just the same
And when midnight came and it sharpened its claws
you were forced to listen to its vicious caws

Still you had faith in this wretched creature
for maybe its soul could do with a teacher
three nights later the wretched bird died
though it was for the better you cried and you cried

Several years later the damage remains
for the bird's cruel evil has left you with pain
the bird's only sin was it's early depart
and the gaping hole it left in your heart


“There are no such things as monsters.”
I used to believe that
Believe that they didn’t exist
Because the ones I was afraid of
Were under the bed
And in the closet
Because I thought as soon as the moon rose in the sky
Not even my plug-in night-light
Would save me from them

Of course, as I grew older
I realized that the monsters
Under the bed and in the closet
Weren’t the ones I needed to fear
No, I learned about the monsters I should’ve feared
By the monotone news anchor
Who relayed the night’s events
And the people who died
With a straight face
I learned by the black and white articles
Whose text was just as colorless
As its opinions were
I learned by the people who cried in school
About the things that had happened
And the ways their lives felt shattered
I learned by the constant stress
The seemingly never ending death toll
The ways my best friends would whisper
About the things their parents said
About people “like them.”

It took me far too long to realize
That the word “monster”
Was made to give people hope
That something out there
Was worse than us
Because they never expected
That we would realize the truth
And turn the word “monster”
To ourselves

We are human.
At sunset, the sun cowers away from us
And finds another part of the world
To see if we’re just as bad there
The stars are so terrified
That during the day they hide themselves
So we can no longer see them
The plants wilt
Because they know deep down
That they can’t escape our grasps
Because they’ve forced themselves to understand
We’ve forgotten how to let go

We are human.
We are the hell bringing monsters
That ripped the earth
Into so many pieces
That the word “horrible”
Is so commonly used to describe us
That we’ve stopped denying it

We are human.
We are the killers of the universe
We are terrifying
And deep down
We are very, very

Monsters do exist,
And we are always here
Waiting for a chance to prove
That we are not as bad
As we know we are.

Monsters do exist.
We call ourselves “human.”


Weeping Wench,
by ME

On the steps she sits weeping
Her hood casts shadows over her face
The shaking, sobbing is seeping
Into the dark of the place

She lifts her head to look at me
Her eyes are a ghastly black
She bares her teeth, for me to see
Fangs, rowed all the way back

She recedes back into her cloak
Her tears fall once again
Just another of the mourning folk
And away from the wench I ran


“There are no such things as monsters.”
I used to believe that
Believe that they didn’t exist
Because the ones I was afraid of
Were under the bed
And in the closet
Because I thought as soon as the moon rose in the sky
Not even my plug-in night-light
Would save me from them

Of course, as I grew older
I realized that the monsters
Under the bed and in the closet
Weren’t the ones I needed to fear
No, I learned about the monsters I should’ve feared
By the monotone news anchor
Who relayed the night’s events
And the people who died
With a straight face
I learned by the black and white articles
Whose text was just as colorless
As its opinions were
I learned by the people who cried in school
About the things that had happened
And the ways their lives felt shattered
I learned by the constant stress
The seemingly never ending death toll
The ways my best friends would whisper
About the things their parents said
About people “like them.”

It took me far too long to realize
That the word “monster”
Was made to give people hope
That something out there
Was worse than us
Because they never expected
That we would realize the truth
And turn the word “monster”
To ourselves

We are human.
At sunset, the sun cowers away from us
And finds another part of the world
To see if we’re just as bad there
The stars are so terrified
That during the day they hide themselves
So we can no longer see them
The plants wilt
Because they know deep down
That they can’t escape our grasps
Because they’ve forced themselves to understand
We’ve forgotten how to let go

We are human.
We are the hell bringing monsters
That ripped the earth
Into so many pieces
That the word “horrible”
Is so commonly used to describe us
That we’ve stopped denying it

We are human.
We are the killers of the universe
We are terrifying
And deep down
We are very, very

Monsters do exist,
And we are always here
Waiting for a chance to prove
That we are not as bad
As we know we are.

Monsters do exist.
We call ourselves “human.”

That's amazing

Deleted user

hey how ya doin?
im doing just fine
i lied
im diying inside

true poetry