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Started by @Mojack group

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“We all know interspecies romance is weird.”

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[‪#‎GamerGate‬] [‪#‎Feminism‬] [‪#‎Sexism‬] [‪#‎Queerity‬] [‪#‎GAMERGATE‬] [‪#‎SJW‬]

‪‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪‬‪‬‬‬‬‬‬ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪‬‬ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪ ‪‪‪‬‬‬‬

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You absolute buffoon.

In conclusion, what you have here is my attempt, in my most humble and non-offensive spirit, to try to help you with a question. Please understand that the best thing that can possibly happen to you in this situation is an immediate, serious look at what you did that leads to your current situation. And if that fails, then it's time to start over.

This should be the first point that you go back to. The most important thing is to make sure you understand what you did that led to a problem before trying to get it right. There are a number of things wrong with you, but let's focus on a couple of your most problematic areas of need.

  1. You were just about to try to be the victim.

You went out looking to hurt people when you should've stayed home and watched Netflix. You made an impulse decision to "help" some random guy you don't know.

When you make a conscious decision, however, to use a tool and not to use it properly, then you have


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Beating homeless people is my pastime," said the former Republican candidate for governor who has been living in a one bedroom apartment since December 2014.

"I've never known any homeless person to be violent or confrontational," said the man who was running for governor as a write-in candidate in 2006 when he was shot dead for campaigning against Governor Bush in his primary.

The man said he is a "hard-working man" who wants to help the residents of a town that has "a great number of residents that are either on food stamps or don't have the money for food,"

The man's wife and a neighbor said that he has been arrested twice before.

"He got a ticket for having a dead battery in 2003 but was cleared," said neighbor Denise Smith, who has lived in the apartment for more than 20 years. "He was convicted for assault on a peace officer in 2006…but was cleared for that a year or two ago."

On his website, which has no contact info, the man describes himself as "a former Republican candidate for Governor of Nevada
(All I have to say is he has my vote)

@saor_illust school

(I did a bunch of generations based on song lyrics)
Do you hear the people sing? Can you hear the people? Can you see them? Can you feel their love, their joy. What do you have to be afraid of? Fear of being alone. Because once we live with others, when we finally are alone, we are finally alone. There is no escape. No escape. There is no escape. There is no escape. There is no escape. There is no escape. There is no escape. There is no escape. There is no escape. There is no escape. There is no escape. There is no escape. So it goes on and on. The only way out is to come to me. I do not get tired of talking. I do talk so that people can hear. And they can hear so they can feel. And I am not afraid of death. And I do not want to die. Therefore it is difficult for me to see people on my journey.

I would rather live in this moment. And therefore it is difficult for me to see you. It is difficult for me to see that beautiful face you wear. That

I dreamed a dream in time gone by, when hope was high and life worth living. I dreamed that love would never die, I dreamed that God would be forgiving. I dreamed of a better life, a better America, a better world. That dream is shattered now."

I dreamed a dream in time gone by, when hope was high and life worth living. I dreamed that love would never die, I dreamed that God would be forgiving. Then I was young and unafraid, there was no ransom to be paid. No song unsung, no wine untasted. I knew no fear, nothing to be afraid of… Now let me tell you something… The reason I went to war and fought so hard was that I knew he was there. He had to be, my father was a good man and I believed him. He was the kind of man whom your heart would desire to see again, to love. My father was a good man, but he had fallen from grace, he was a fool and an imbecile. His sons were more worthy of love…and I had to fight for him."

"Heh… well I suppose that's true… if only you knew."

Sakura did not know what to do anymore. All the people who treated this boy the way Rin had always treated her were not her family. So of course they were not worthy of love.

I dreamed a dream in time gone by, when hope was high and life worth living. I dreamed that love would never die, I dreamed that God would be forgiving. Then I was young and unafraid, there was no ransom to be paid. No song unsung, no wine untasted. But the tigers come at night, with their voices soft as thunder. As they tear your hope apart, as they turn your dreams to shame. The world's a better place for you, you're too proud, too old, too bitter and too dark. And you don't seem to understand that we don't hate you much either. We all have our moments, I've had mine plenty. But sometimes I wonder why no one understands me. Why nobody seems to understand that I'm scared, that I'm scared to live my dreams, that life belongs to me. It's not for you to decide. And to make up for the last two thousand years, here's a wish, a secret request. If we lived in a world where everything was fair, where justice ran its course—

If only. I'd give anything, anything. I want

Do you hear the people sing? Singing a song of angry men, it is the music of of a people who will not be slaves again. When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes. We shall not be slaves again, but will free ourselves.

"We shall take a long march in the land, a long march to the home of our gods. I and my people shall return, shall return victorious. Our gods will come out to our help once again."

- Geb

@Mojack group

There are things in this world that cannot be explained by the human mind. We are all on our own, and are often in the state of ignorance of how things really work. That doesn't mean we can simply dismiss theories that explain things that seem to make sense to us, however. One of the things I believe is true is that our lives are the result of a series of coincidences where one event happens and is later mirrored by another in a sequence of events. You can't predict what will happen next. Life is unpredictable, and we have no way of making a prediction about how I am going to think in a period of time, or how a particular person is going to act next.

Life is also a series of coincidences. We are born, we grow up, we get married, we fall in love, we die. I'll start by saying that I am not saying that what I am saying is the truth, but that this is how nature works. I am saying that everything else is a mystery, but because of this, we have a way of explaining that mystery, because of this. We have ways of knowing

@Mojack group

Nobody move. We'll take care of it."

Curtis looked up from his computer and noticed some commotion nearby as an explosion shattered the sky around him. The two guards ran down the street toward the blast site.

"What happened? The sky just blew up. Don't be afraid, there was only one source of noise when that thing exploded. Get it under control, we've got business to attend to."

"All right!"

The guards hurried through the blast site, clearing out the debris and a dead body. The only sign of enemy activity was the broken window of a nearby warehouse.

"Hey guys! Look!"

Curtis was aghast as he peered through the debris covered windows. An adult Caucasian male was leaning against the wall. Curtis turned to the two guards standing by the building and pointed toward him. "Hey. What did you get on your computer, bastard?"

"We were trying to monitor the security cameras. It turns out they were activated only in combat situations."

We’re all villains to someone.

‪I will never let them win in this war.‬

You may not win,‬ but I will never let you die.

We will find‬ the true enemy,‬ for you have been a thorn in my side ever since you killed my comrades in the military.

And what is‭ ‬your true enemy? What‭ ‬is your enemy?

The enemy is us.‭ ‬The enemy is the humans who are our own‭ ‬enemies,‭ ‬our own enemies,‭ ‬our enemies,‭ ‬we‭ ‬are the enemy.

So‭ ‬you may fight,‭ ‬fight to defend our way of life‭,‭ ‬not to‭ ‬save it‭ but if you will not attack,‭ ‬if you will not attack,‭ ‬then you ‬would be better off not‭ ‬be

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

"My dear," replied Valentine, "has not the Count just told us that all human wisdom is contained in the words 'Wait and hope!'" Now he seemed to be about to reply, and even said as much, but I said, "Oh, do not be angry, little one; yet I can see the great secret of the Count in this; for it has been my wish to obtain the Count's heart for myself, and in spite of all I have been about, it has never failed to do so." Then I felt the little one's eyes open in excitement and astonishment.

"Then," said Valentine, "has no one here the least desire to live with us? Is it possible that no one here has a desire to be a lover of love? But this is absurd, dear me; there are many men who have desired a wife, and none of them have chosen a wife who is not of the same caste as the Count."

"Oh, that is absurd!" said the little one. "How can it not be absurd, then? Surely all such


I've injected nine pounds of liquid cauliflower into my bloodstream, and I've had a headache and vomiting and cramping and diarrhea," he began calmly, according to the Los Angeles Times. "I've tried every imaginable test, and nothing is able to tell me why I'm not vomiting. I should just have given up and called it a night. But I never would have gone through that. No medicine or miracle can fix what I'm going through."

He went on to express his frustration with the US military, asking: "What if this was done by the US army, right?" he asked his friend in the recording. "If our country were attacked, we'd all be slaughtered, just like these people. If he was in the US army, he'd be blown up."


I've injected a pound of mercury into my left kidney since I was 16. I haven't had any problems with this in 10 years. But a bit of mercury has taken a toll on my liver as well. I've got a couple of tumors growing around the liver, and the radiation is affecting both the liver and my kidney. The radiation is actually affecting my ability to move around and function."


He stared down at the sword sticking out of his chest, eyes wide. "What? What the hell is THAT?" he shouted.

"It's a sword." said Elsa, looking at the weapon with the green flames on the hilt. "It's been for hundreds of years."

He reached up, taking hold of her hand before he could pull his body away. "Your coronation," said Anna firmly. Elsa knew that she was wrong.

"No I…I was coronated by myself," he said, staring blankly at the sword.

"You were only elected. Your coronation took place years after you were executed for treason," she replied.

"I never received a coronation."

Elsa blinked at his statement. "You still got a coronation after being executed…for treason?"

"Well, let's just say…the people thought so…but I didn't want that. Besides, I'm actually kinda old, so I wasn't sure if it was really necessary. I mean, I don't suppose I'm the only one to have survived to this."

So uhm…I think it wrote a frozen fanfic. Or something. Idk what the fuck is going on lol

Deleted user

I've injected nine pounds of liquid cauliflower into my bloodstream, and I've had a headache and vomiting and cramping and diarrhea," he began calmly, according to the Los Angeles Times. "I've tried every imaginable test, and nothing is able to tell me why I'm not vomiting. I should just have given up and called it a night. But I never would have gone through that. No medicine or miracle can fix what I'm going through."

He went on to express his frustration with the US military, asking: "What if this was done by the US army, right?" he asked his friend in the recording. "If our country were attacked, we'd all be slaughtered, just like these people. If he was in the US army, he'd be blown up."


@Mojack group

And he just like, flew into the tree at Mach 4. So that's, I mean, really like high velocity.




Makes, I mean, I didn't, I didn't see what he's doing; I don't hear him making the noise or, or seeing the tree, but he just flew off the log, so I'd guess it was around Mach 4.




But it seems that that's kind of, you can't really, there's just this big wallop of speed there, you know. It's such a big, I mean I thought it was a tree branch but, it's not like that. It's like a straight up, and it seems like when you're going that fast, it's just like, you know, you can't just fall off of something.




I mean, you've got to keep your head up and keep that momentum you've got there, but I was like looking

(Tag yourself I’m Steve)

@HighPockets group

"I could make you do anything, Lady Lavinia," Oleander said, a wicked smile dancing across his face. His grasp around her mind tightened, then vanished. "But I won't." He pulled hard and fast on her hair, and she knew he was serious.
"Your father is dead," Lavinia said, her voice quiet. "So are your brothers and your friends and your mother, and so is—"
"And I have nothing." Oleander shoved her down, and she felt herself sinking down again as he continued to pull her hair. "I do not have anything."
When Lavinia didn't struggle to free herself, he slammed his face into her chest. A loud thud was all her resistance, but as she hit the floor, Oleander was in her mouth. She choked back the blood, and he pushed her head into his shoulder as his hands dragged against the front of her shirt, his face contorting as he squeezed. At the same time, he grabbed a collar and twisted it around her neck. She twisted away, and found herself clutching the hem of his shirt.


@HighPockets group

***"Nah, I'll be fine. Just ice it and elevate it, right?" Henry moved his ankle for emphasis, and pain shot through his leg. "Never mind. Maybe we should. God knows with the amount of times I make you go there when you don't feel well that I should take my own advice." Victor helped him to his feet.

"Don't touch it to the floor, stay on one foot like a flamingo," Victor said, and Henry sighed.***

"Okay, okay," Henry said and looked away. "How about we get some ice and go home?"

Victor smiled and shook his head. "Just try your best, boy. You look fine to me."

At the apartment, they sat and talked, and Henry listened to Victor's story. He didn't tell him that Victor had a bad ankle and Henry hadn't really talked to him in two days. All he said was he wouldn't lie to Victor. Henry decided to think about it some more and said that they might be able to stay for another night

This sounds like Stockholm Syndrome

"To Oliver Warren," Therese said, and anger fought its way through the mess of her emotions as she added, "A great general and a horrible brother." And with that, she let her glass fall to the ground and shatter.

The glass broke beside her, and then there were sounds of glass shattering and a crackling noise. Therese had reached for one of her tools and was now using it, a large, ornate, two-handed mace in hand, to pull aside the metal sheet to reveal a hole through which she could see a man standing, his head tilted to one side, looking at her. The man held at his side a small knife in which were written in a blood-red writing a name and a word which Thelema would have called a name.

"Your name is Oliver Warren," Thelema said calmly, and there were tears in her eyes as she took out a small stone that contained a symbol that Thelema had placed in the ground, and the stone was set at the back foot of the man, and she took his name from his nameplate.

"You don't know me," Thelema



She was dying and there was nothing I could do. She had to have died a horrible death. I did not want to help. I wanted to get away and bury her. But I could not escape the terrible fear. As a man, I felt I had to leave her in that place. I wanted to leave at once and escape what was going to happen with me."

After that he had to keep himself alive through his activities as a poet, by writing poetry to attract women. He writes: "There were no women around me. There was only the fear of being seen. It was very painful to find out that no women would be interested in a beautiful poet. But what else could I do? He was a man. He could write poetry. One girl was interested in him." There was a woman in the class who was in love with him. He writes: "I could not let her see me. I was afraid of her. She would think that I was dead. I had to keep her there."

By the time of his death he had gone through about a hundred

(I am concerned lol)


Elmo began to burn the evidence, unknowing of the coming police. When a detective found the evidence on Halloween night, he reported it to the chief. Within a few hours, the detectives were on their way to the home, where they found the charred remains of a body.