forum AI that completes your text
Started by @Mojack group

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@Mojack group

The wood spirit roared at the humans, who stood at the edge of the forest. A roar that sent shockwaves through the forest.

"The wood spirit is angry! I hope you don't kill me, wood spirit!"

The humans trembled.

"What? So you're telling me that in return for freeing you, you'd come here to kill me?" the wood spirit asked.

In the silence, the humans' breaths turned hoarse.

"Oh, come on! Don't do that. You're just going to get in my way again! I don't have time for you!" the human said.

Hearing their voice, the wood spirit felt a sense of apprehension. There was no way that these people should be able to enter the forest, or to destroy the forest, if they were only talking nonsense.

"I am the wood spirit. I must return this forest. You are the humans. In order for my forest to return, the humans need to die. The only way for you to live, is to die."

"Why are you in your wood spirit


In the beginning, there were dragons. Then, with the magic of gods the giants came to fill the world; there was the first age of men and the first age of beasts. The dragons, who were giants, were great in strength, but were too slow to fly.

Giant's bones lie scattered in the forest.

When the giants became extinct, those that came after them had to take over the earth to sustain themselves and others in what was left of the earth.

The humans lived in underground caverns. The animals lived in the wild. When the giants were no more, all perished like ash on the earth. The beasts wandered through the forest and, in time, were hunted down and hunted down and hunted down and hunted down. It was not long after that the world would be reborn by the return of the dragons.

Today, the land is filled with the ruins of civilization, and it has become a place of nature, where forests dwell in peace and tranquility, where forests grow where ever they wish and where nature thrives while man is not able to flourish

@GameMaster group

Under her feet, the bridge split. The blackened, metal skeleton clanked to the ground, causing my eyes to widen, my legs to shake and my hands to go numb.

The other half was still there, but there wasn't a face to meet my eyeballs. There was no mouth, no nose, no lips… it had to be the face of the person she'd disappeared into… it had to be.

No, wait, the human's face was there. It'd be good to get to know her first. I stood up slowly, putting my hands in my pockets.

"Hey, who's that?" asked a voice, as if I were calling out to someone. It was a familiar voice, as strange as it was disturbing. The voice was… me. The body was there though. She looked… very different. And there was something off, in the face.

"Who were you?" asked the girl, though her voice was just as cold as ever. I looked around, but… there wasn't anyone around this time.

@saor_illust school

Oooooh I love this AI! It's super cool. I ran this like three or four times, and picked the top three that I liked :)

Why did you leave her standing there; last yesterday at twilight? Why did you come back after what you saw? I know, I can hear yourself talkin'. Your hair was so white as to be a dead man's. Did you see those dead, cold, lifeless eyes? Yes, that's what you've been livin' with. We've got to leave this and make way for us. Why, we're the only one on earth that'll do it. And it's not over, not yet. It'll be all right eventually. It's going to be. But first, you need to look into your own eyes and get your own thoughts.

No, we've only got to take out that knife. You can't hurt it any more than we've got to hurt you. I think you should take the knife. It's nothing, not real. It's nothing but a little dead woman's heart.

She is still on the edge, and you can tell how desperate she is–this cold, hard feeling in our little bodies…

You've got to think about why she's there.

And then she was gone, as if she was never there. Where did she go? What happened to her? You happened, you came along, and scared her off, knowing what would happen. She might look at you and say, "What the hell did I do to you???" That's not me. I made absolutely absolutely no attempt to do anything to you! So what happened? Where did she go? No, I do not want to say. You know. If you don't believe me at all, you may be a little confused. Well, you got to go up a few flights of stairs, you and your daughter.

But, you never got the call, she never got the call, when I was going down to the police station, with him, to talk to them, and she kept running away. She didn't get to talk to me.

amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) GOODMAN: So the other two girls, how did you, your daughter, handle this, what did you tell your daughter?

SENATOR JOHN McCAIN: My daughter and her two older daughters are friends from the neighborhood. And she said

Why did you leave her standing there last night at twilight? Is she getting lonely?"

"No, it's all just fine." Soonya smiled, and took another drink. "We talked earlier, that's all."

"Oh, it's terrible news?"

"Is it? How horrible."

"I'm not sure what that means. Can you show me?"

Soonya grabbed her bottle of vodka, and started to fill the glass with a shot of the stuff.

"Can you hold on for a minute?" she said, and watched as Yuri poured himself a second, and then another, and another. After a moment of hesitation, Yuri gulped down what he had just shot.

"Are you…so sorry?"

"No!" cried Soonya, eyes welling up in shock. She looked at Alex again, and saw that her eyes were bright and pleading.

"N-no! No, I'm not! It's just…" she coughed, and took a deep breath. "It's really wonderful! I

@Mojack group

You aren’t a human.

I can't tell if you’re a god.

What's this?

The sky is covered with… a blue cloud?

Do you’re a god?

Do you’d like to live?

Are you human?

Do you understand me?

Do you know me?

Who’s here

The god?

Do you have a god?

Do you know me?

Who is here?

Are you human?

What a terrifying sight…

The cloud was just like the other.

It covered them all.

What the…

I saw it.

I was there too.

I saw your God.

Do you understand?

Do you know your God?

(You aren't a human.

Do you know humanity?

Do you know where I come from?)

(We're not human.

Do you know where you come

@Mojack group

The soldier pressed his gun to my chest, but I did not move. I could only hear his confusion, on why I did not leave. Why, he asked me. I answer. I do not deserve to be here, I replied. I thought I was in this situation and I wasn't. I don't deserve to be here. How should I fight back. I don't deserve to be here, he snapped back. I'm on my way to be killed like this. I thought to myself. I'm afraid.

The soldier didn't respond. He pressed his gun to me again. I did not move, I couldn't tell what he was thinking, because the soldier stopped pressing. He took the revolver from me, threw it through the window and left without a word.

I was so scared, I felt no fear at all, I felt no fear whatever. I ran as fast as I could into the night, trying to survive the night in the world that I knew would kill me the second I came back inside. I ran until I reached the end of the city, the final building standing between us and

@Mojack group

The dragon sighed. "But you're not a boy."

"A man," Sam responded.

"You're not a boy," the dragon repeated. "You're Sam. You're young, you have new memories, and…there are many things you need to understand - how to survive."

"The time will come," Sam admitted.

"You'll have to accept the dragon," the dragon concluded. "Your future lies with him. He's waiting for you."

Sam nodded. "Yes; I will accept."

"You will."

"Thank you, my friend—the dragon."

The blue dragon took a breath. "It has taken me many years to become an honored member of the clan. Most of this time has been spent researching and gathering evidence of the dragon's deeds, and so it is with great pride that I announce my membership in the Circle."

The dragon looked around, then stood up and lifted his eyebrows. "So, I've heard, you've joined the Circle. But why,


The bees flew out the back doors and into the air, then down the street and the sidewalk, then across the street," said Stilson. "We were stunned."

The sheriff's office says they don't want the bees because they might cause damage. However, they do want to avoid "a large hive of bees in a public neighborhood" and take necessary precautions around them, he said.

Stilson encourages residents to leave their homes to protect the bees.

@Starfast group

(I put in part of my prologue. I'm dead).

Ten children had been reported missing in the past three months. Many of King Matthew’s closest advisers have told him that it probably wasn’t worth spending much time worrying about. There’s more pressing issues at hand, they said. Ten wasn’t a really big number, they told him. Yet, it had been big enough for people to notice and investigate the matter over the last ten years. Ten was’stupidly’impossible to remove. And so, he went to the most obvious place: ten in this case. The other six children. "Ten times ten?" he asked. He had been thinking that way for a while.

‹What,› the voice from across the room said. He looked closer. It was the first he had heard in the entire trip. It was from a boy who seemed to have had a very troubled, almost psychotic childhood. ‹How did you get in here,‾ he asked again.

He stopped walking. The boy was staring at him for a good ten seconds.

@HighPockets group

I'm not leaving you here, Lavinia. We both go, or we both stay. I'm not letting him hurt us anymore. We'll figure something out in the future."

"Then I'll join with you. The rest of the world can keep moving for a year," Harry said. "I'll find you another place."

"Harry-" Hermione stopped, the words coming to a stop when the girl's expression turned deathly serious. "No."

Harry's lips curled into a thin line and he looked down at her face like her heart was about to shatter. A smile flitted across his lips as he heard her breath speed up.

"I have to go," he said. "I have to leave. You'll live with me, but I will not stay with you. I need to be alone."

He leaned back with a sigh. "Do you really want me to leave you, Lavinia? You've been such an awful mother. You are just as bad as I thought. I can't tell you that.

It turned into Harry Potter fanfic?? Weird flex but okay.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

"It's time to go," Death said, holding his hand out in guidance. "If you want it to go, you need to get on with it!"

The young woman stood up straight and looked up at the old man, as if she could see into his soul.

"I'm not asking what you want," Death said, and his voice was very steady. "I'm telling you it's time to go."

The young woman stood there, the world fading away around her, and Death began to walk away.

"No!" she shouted in his face. "Don't leave me! I don't understand!"

Death stopped and stepped forward as if he were going to say something.

"Come back!" she cried again.

But he didn't come. He just stared fixedly up at the night sky and then walked quietly away.

As the light slowly sank, she sat back against the wall, staring at the stars. And the moon slowly went behind.

"He didn't want to leave me."

@saor_illust school

And then she was gone, just like that. "Come back!" I cried. "I'm sorry!"

I was in deep shock. The girl was gone. What on earth had happened? I spent all night questioning the meaning of life: the meaning of existence itself. What did I do to deserve this? That I had just made myself disappear? To feel this way? To feel like I had become some sort of an empty shell?

I have never been able to come to terms with the fact that I am a part of a larger system of consciousness: the conscious mind, which is not something I need. I am not a product of the human consciousness, which is made up of the unconscious. I believe that the consciousness is merely a byproduct: a result of the human psyche's struggle with itself. The conscious mind, like every living creature is a byproduct of the brain that has struggled with all its life to produce the mind. This struggle has always been waged between brain and soul: the struggle of the brain to keep the soul intact; the soul to try to make something from something, and vice versa. All we know of the past, however

Deleted user

(my immature ass is just putting random vulgar words into it and seeing what would happen)

Spoon me

I mean, you're the one who told all them assholes who wanted to tell you to 'fuck off' to fuck off. You're the one who told them that you were wrong and that we weren't gonna take it anymore. You're the one who said people would be glad to move on with their lives.

How did all of that become your problem again? Because everyone says 'I was right to say X, because I said X.' Yet you're the only one being called out, especially since you're the one whose views on this issue were a decade ago. How does that happen that everyone is now judging you based on those views that were 15 years ago?

Because we should have listened to the people who wanted us to 'turn this around.' But then we turned things around and turned out people who were no different than how they were in the '90s. Now we're the ones talking out of both sides of our mouth, making it clear that we're the only ones who won the culture wars.

I don't want

Deleted user

"Shut up and show me your armpits!"

"I'll show you mine."

"And I'll hold you down until you do."

"Get your armpits off now!" the teacher snarled.

"I can't do that!" He whined. "It hurts."

"I'm not going to hurt you here!"

"It's a boy's problem, teacher."

The teachers laughed, shook their heads. Then they walked away.

"We're going to give him the boot," one of the boys murmured.

The boy's brother and sister made their way down the corridor.

"I'll show you mine."

"Shut up and show me yours!"

"This isn't fair!"

"How about you pay us $100 for this?"

"You don't do that!"

"You're the one who doesn't want to show me mine!"

"Why don't you show it to us instead?"

"You're paying us!"

@saor_illust school

"Am I not merciful?" it says. Kady glared at the blinking red dot on the camera. "No," she spits out. "No, AIDAN, you are not merciful." She stands up. "I'm sorry, but I have to say it. I was wrong with you. You're a bastard." She closes the front door behind her and exits. On the sidewalk, a woman wearing a red jumpsuit and a green jacket approaches. "Why did you come here?" she asks. The woman points to a man in a gray jacket near a parked black van with what look like a few holes gouged in the side. "Yes, you're a bastard," the woman replies. "You have to see how you will die. You know who I mean." The woman begins to walk towards the man; her red jumpsuit covers her body and legs. "I've already seen how you will die." "I'm not a bastard," the man says. "I'm a man, a normal human being. You are not a *bastard." "Yes,

(Haha this was inspired by one of my favorite books, "Illuminae," in the Illuminae Files Trilogy.)

@saor_illust school

Spoons are clearly the superior utensil. But can you ever find them for pennies on the dollar?

My advice…

Try on one of the new plastic models, or even better, one of the new plastic pens. But just be sure to pick up the ones with the "M" stamped on the bottom for easier clean-up.

Do you have a better way to keep your pennies clean?

Leave your comments below.



Deleted user

(Found out Jay Z was gonna make a song with me)

Something banged against my wall

Which is on the second story

I'm bout to either 1: Go outside and fuck some demon up, or 2: Die

So instead, I'm standing,

With my hands held up high,

Looking like the best thing to say ever

[Chorus: Jay-Z]

Yeah, right, right, right, right, right, right, right…

Yeah, right, right, right, right, right, right, right

Yeah, right, right, right, right, right, right, right

Bust all your dreams with this, you son of a bitch

No, I'm not out

I ain't runnin', like a gangsta doin', like a real thug

Right, right, right, right, right, right, right

Bust all your dreams with this, you son of a bitch

No, I'm not out.

I ain't runnin', like a gangsta doin', like a real thug
