forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

Aw, c'mon! You have to? (Pffffttt… I can't wait to hear her opion after reading. lol) It's not funny! I read Oregano's comments about me! I'M NOT A CREEPY PERV! (cough cough beg cough to differ cough cough)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(It's kinda annoying to be honest. And hi Abby! I'm Whisper! It's nice to meet you! Are you gonna be staying with Oregano for a while?) And you didn't hate me at first Peeves? I'm… surprised. When did you start hating me?

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(Yeah! Abby is staying with me for a bit! I think I'm going to figure out what killed her and burn their house down and laugh as their skin is burned away.)

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(As long as you dont take away my prey)
L-Lex, are you okay?

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(Oh goody! Can we bring donuts too?)
I can't I promised I would stay here with Lex.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

twitches nervously We're in school, so Whisper can't really do anything serious, thank gods… (Of course Lex/Oregano! How many gallons of gas do you think is sufficient?)

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(Hm! I would like to douse the entire house… But mostly the bedroom and kitchen as that is where some of the more flammable things reside…)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Whisper… Please stop…. You're scaring me and probably Abby too… (Alright. But this is for Abby. Not you, you pervert.) Whatever. At this point, I don't care. As long as you stop.

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It's fine… Lex said that I would be okay…
(See Marcus! She's okay!)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

… Please? (…. fine… But you are gonna have to owe me something…) What? (smiles a creepily happy smile) Oh, gods, please no! ( lol. Just kidding.) sighs in relief

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(I'm watching a minecraft series of them so if they are scary, I can't tell!)