forum A chat for supernatural creatures and their hauntees (Warning. Swearing.)
Started by @Elder-God-Whisper work

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@Elder-God-Whisper work

(AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!) Whisper it's not funny!! (If you think that I'm not gonna find that funny, you're dead fucking wrong ya perverted middle aged man! By the way, has your mid-life crisis happened yet?! Cannot stop laughing) AAARRRRGHH!! CAMELEON, I'm GONNA GET YOU FOR THAT!!

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(That sucks bud. On another note, there's a spirit following me here in Texas.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Ummm… no. I didn't get a trial. It was Medieval times Peeves. I got strapped to a log in a pyre and was burned alive without a hearing. It was a serf driven function. The lord of the estate didn't even know about it until afterwards. (… SO! About that new ghost down in Texas! fake cheerful voice)

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(Her body is littered with bullet wounds and at least three stab wounds. She has bruises on her that makes me suspect she died from domestic abuse.)

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( I know, I'm putting my forensics studies to use and trying to get as much info from her, she doesnt talk a lot.)

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(I told her that I wouldnt harm her in sign language, my tone of speaking seems to frighten her. I put some calming essential oils into the air, hopefully it helps.)

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

(AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!) Whisper it's not funny!! (If you think that I'm not gonna find that funny, you're dead fucking wrong ya perverted middle aged man! By the way, has your mid-life crisis happened yet?! Cannot stop laughing) AAARRRRGHH!! CAMELEON, I'm GONNA GET YOU FOR THAT!!

(Seriously though, what are you gonna do? You've got nothing on me, Marcus!) Umm….. (What's the umm for Lucille? You like, never talk on here.)

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Hi. I'm back again. Howard [another ghost here, he was the previous owner of the house. He built it.] scared my puppy today. My family is wondering why he was whining, spinning, and ignoring his food [which is very unusual] and I'm standing to side trying not to blurt out what was actually going on and risk sounding like a crazy person.) I'm surprised Howard was even there!

@Elder-God-Whisper work

(Seriously though, what are you gonna do? You've got nothing on me, Marcus!) Umm….. (What's the umm for Lucille? You like, never talk on here.)

(Also, now I'm curious. What is the umm for? Marcus..?) …

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(Update: Her name is Abby and she is very nice, I think she's going to try and come home to Florida with me…//