forum Alien Stuff/ One on One
Started by @Shadow_Knight group

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@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Abby nodded, grateful that Nyt and Ava were able to handle that question, before moving to help her girlfriend with the kids. “Yes. We're very good friends.” she smirked at Nyt. “But, unfortunately, we should get going. We have to introduce Ava to a few people and talk with the council about some things.” she informed everyone, finally acting on Caleb’s advice.

@Shadow_Knight group

Nyt rolled her eyes at Abby. "Abby's right. We need to get going." She said as she set the children on the ground.

Ava nodded as she stood up. "We might be able to talk later."

"They be back later, they said they would last time, and their back now, so they will."
"Careful! Mr. Myers is a big meanie."
"Yeah! He tried to tell me that you'd hurt me if I got close."
"So he's a liar and a meanie."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Abby laughed a little at Nyt’s reaction and waved as the kids started to disperse. “Stay out of trouble.” she warned them playfully.

“Glad to see you've warmed up to kids.” Toby smiled at the group.

“We should get going.” Peter spoke up again.

@Shadow_Knight group

"Its more like they warmed up to us." Nyt chuckled to Toby.

Caleb and Adar laughed a bit as the kids dispersed and started leading the group toward the meeting hall.

Ava watched the little kids run off. "They're amazing! They're so curious and small. Stars! They're tiny!" She said, as she followed the group.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Toby gave a brief chuckle and nodded. “You would not believe how excited they were to see you again. They were talking about it all day.” he smiled.

“They’re not that small.” Abby shrugged. “You should see a newborn baby. Now, those are tiny.” she pointed out with a teasing smirk. “Besides, you're not much taller than me.”

@Shadow_Knight group

"They are small though! They're less than half the size of you Abby. And they're oh so curious. Its adorable." Ava rambled on, her eyes lit up like stars.

"They were really waiting for us?" Nyt asked, a semi fond smile on her face.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Abby rolled her eyes with a playful smirk. “They’re also young. They’ll grow… Maybe even get taller than me.” she pointed out. “But, yeah, they are adorable.”

Toby chuckled, nodding. “Bet your tail they were. Those kids really like you now that they know you're safe to be around.”