forum The Purple Cauldron Tavern
Started by @GameMaster group

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A Young woman wearing a far to short, scarlet, low necked dress and 6 inch holographic black stilettos, came dramatically into the bar throwing herself onto the nearest chair exclaiming, "Wo is me! Am I to rot away in this unforgiving world!." her shoulder length black curls framed her face perfectly as she wasted away in her chair sobbing quite loudly.


Rachel (The dramatic one) Nodded her head slightly, "Strawberry sunrise, oh and can I get one of those little umbrellas? I'm sorry I just" She dabbed her eye's with a white lace handkerchief, "Slightly up set, I was spurned for another, I hope she rots I hope he leaves her the way he left me!" She burst into another round of tears

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Brie and Eris left, off to the wild blue yonder and plot since they can't forever be stuck in tavernville. However, a cloaked figure walked in, followed by two other, equally cloaked figures. It was a wild guess, but cloaks seemed to be a theme with these three. Cue Sparky's next writing project!!!! Anyways, so they came in and say down, seeming human for the most part.

@GameMaster group

Barkeep look confused for a second by the request for a strawberry sunrise. He mixed the drink and poured it into a tall glass with a small pink umbrella sitting in it. “Is there anything we can do about it? I know some barbarians that would take pleasure in changing your ex’s mind.”

@GameMaster group

He turned to the hooded figure and his eyes lit up. “I LOVE CLOAKS. What can I say I’m a cloak enthusiast! Those are beautiful. Where did you get them.” As he rambled a dark gold cloak appeared around his shoulders.


"Well.." Rachel took a sip then continued, " I don't need no lowzy Man who dosen't really love me in my life any way!" She took another large swallow of the drink, "Goodness this is good, what did you do mix in some confidence potion, I love that, Gives it a nice zing." She drained half the glass, "You know, I should have seen it coming, It's always the cute perfect ones that turn out to be snakes."

@GameMaster group

“Couldn't agree more.” Barkeep downed his drink again. “No confidence potion, just a mixture of my own.” He took out a small vial from the bar. “I call it liquid grief. It’s a combination of potions highlighting the steps of grief. Helps you get over stuff. Despite being called liquid grief you shouldn’t feel any sadness.”


Rachel finished her drink quickly, "If you don't mind I'll have another one please." She set her glass down gentle on the table, "That good for nothing, you know he had me thinking he was going to propose today, but no I walk into his apartment this morning to find him with another girl," She paused remembering, "You know she looked just as shocked and appalled as I did at the time… He was cheating on both of us!" She slammed her hand down on the table "How dare he! She looked so sad, I'm so sad, What a jerk, That's IT! I'm giving the next shady person I see his address, key to said address, the password to his phone and instructions to blow up his mustang on the way out!"

@GameMaster group

Barkeep refilled her drink and leaned in. “There are plenty of shady people right here in this tavern that would love those keys. You probably wouldn’t even need to show them how to blow stuff up. Most of us excel at it.” He finished his drink once again and woozily poured himself another. “What are you anyway? You look human but not many of us are.”

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He turned to the hooded figure and his eyes lit up. “I LOVE CLOAKS. What can I say I’m a cloak enthusiast! Those are beautiful. Where did you get them.” As he rambled a dark gold cloak appeared around his shoulders.

"Oh, off some corpses. It's not was weird as it sounds in the apocalypse, ya know." the lead figure, incredibly tall, said.

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"Yeah, just water please. I-I don't actually know exactly how this place got here. In the middle of a desolate wasteland. In the apocalypse." she told him, taking her hood down with a mop of filthy red hair and sharp, dark eyes. The second piped up, "Thee jutht doethn't like to admit thee's wrong with her mapping skillth, that'th all." they pulled the hood down to one of the most adorable, smol squishy faces on the planet. You could estimate the person was about 16, male, and like, totally the sweetest kid alive when it's the end of the world. Freckled, red haired, and brown eyed, they have the appearance of a youthful terrier dog. "Shuut uuuup, Benjiiiii." she groaned. "It'th not my fault, or yourth. People make mithtaketh!" he said brightly. "Yeah, s-si-sis, liste-n-n to Ben-Benji! He is pr-probably ri-right you know." the third said, taking her hood down, revealing yet another smol of Benji's same age, plump and rosy cheeked with dirty brownish blonde hair instead of red, freckles, and dark doe-eyes. "Whatever…" the eldest muttered.

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(Smol twins, edgy older sibling, and the apocalypse. What more could you want?)

"Thith place ith kinda weirrrd, Ly-ly!" Benji mumbled. "Yy-yeah Ly-l-lyra, it's kinda we-weird." the blonde smol peeped. "It is, but it's shelter, and you'll be quiet because I'm the adult here and the adult is stressed." she said grumpily.

@CasiCasino group

A cloaked, tall figure walked into the tavern.
“Something smooth would be kindly appreciated” he said before sitting down at the counter.

@Dragoncita group

The male walked quietly forward. On his shoulder, sat what appeared to be a giant, glowing blue bird. The stranger paused outside the door, then entered inside. His blue eyes wandered over the other patrons within, then looked back forward. The blue, phoenix-like bird remained on his shoulder, also looking around like its owner.
He wandered to a table on its own, sitting down on a chair, the large creature remaining on his shoulder.

@CasiCasino group

The cloaked male scanned the tavern whilst waiting for his drink. His eyes were shining through the shadows of the cloak. A white and golden glow came from his irises.

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"There'th too many people." Benji said. "Ugh, go sit where there's less people and stop bothering me then!" Lyra snapped. "Everclear, one bottle. And yes I know how strong that ith–uh, is, I mean, is. Sorry, voice went…" she stammered, embarrassed. How could get brother and adopted sister be fine with their verbal tics? They were annoying and embarrassing and always got in the way!!

@GameMaster group

“Okay three waters for the apocalypse clan. Scotch for new cloak guy. Anything for Big Bird?” Barkeeper seemed surprised by the sudden increase in people. She handed out their drink and awaited answers. “Names would be great too.”

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"Benji is the ginger kiddo, I'm Lyra, the ginger adult, and Gray is the blonde kiddo." Lyra said. "Got a bottle of Everclear, may I ask? The other two can't legally drink and I don't want them to."