Olivia looked at the pile with distaste, "I'm good I doubt it could match my standards." to most Olivia's armor would light, like she was under protected, but if she wore to much she would be weighed down and her flexibility and speed would be limited. That and she could easily adjust her armor to be more revealing, the more skin contact she had with her enemies the slower and more sluggish they would become.
“Whatever you wish,” Marco waved a hand nonchalantly before putting on his iron bracers with his mind. It helped to be able to levitate it—the more iron he had on him the easier it would be to carry himself. It would take too much energy to outright fly in his armor, but it would be easy to jump lengthy distances quickly if he was surrounded at any time.
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) wasn’t really fond of heavy armor. He stood up and wore the mage robe he brought with his cloth backpack. He also got some other things out; a pair of gloves, a pair of shoulder pads which he wore immediately, and a pair of knee pads. He would be moving a lot, this he knew. Covering his eyes from potential threats, he put on the blue and golden knight’s visor he had with him before finally covering his nose and mouth with a thin mask that covered from his neck up.
Marco finished adorning himself in his armor, before looking to the others. “I am ready whenever you both are. The government of Qisa is only a couple miles or so from my manor, so it shouldn’t take us long.” Marco already had his prized war horse geared for battle. He doubted there would be much of a fight since they’d take Qisa’s capital by surprise, at best they’d only have to fight a few guards then kill the current dictator, Elcor Vanbush. Then they’d just have to establish dominance of the country, which wouldn’t be so hard. Marco alone could take on hundreds of people, but now that he had Olivia and andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) at his side- they’d be unstoppable.
“I’m done for the most part” andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) added, inserting something into his right sleeve.
"I'm ready and so are my girls, have you prepared escorts for them?" Olivia asked as she finished braiding her long hair.
“Yes,” Marco nodded, looking over his shoulder and calling out, “Drakos, Uthando, Tarmelias, come.” Three men briskly walked out from a nearby hall. “You know your orders,” Marcos said, almost coldly. The three men nodded without a word, already walking out to the front to go with Olivia’s ladies.
Marco finally stood, his iron metal clinking together as he did so. “Today we will start a war to a brighter future. And with the power we have been gifted with, nothing will get in our way.” Marco nodded to a servant, who was already scurrying to the horses to get the stables open so they’d be able to take off to the capital of Qisa.
“After you,” Marco said with a smirk as he gestured to a doorway, which led to front and near the stables.
“I’m going on ahead if that’s alright with ya” andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) brought up and without waiting for an answer ran down the hallway. As soon as he got outside, he took off into the skies and flew towards the center of the town.
After three minutes of spying from the skies, he landed on the building’s top, making sure no one saw him up there. He then lowered his mask and called upon one of his green butterflies which landed on his palm.
“Hello, can you hear me?” he spoke to the butterfly…
“Hello, can you hear me?” the green butterfly andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) gave Marco three days prior ‘spoke’.
Marco raised his eyebrows, looking at the green butterfly andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) had given him. “Oh?” And walked over to it, holding out his hand for the delicate creature to walk on as he said, “I can hear you alright. Am I correct to assume this is andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)?”
“That would be correct, I’m looking for a way to break in right now” the butterfly added.
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), on the other hand, was looking at the guards from a bird’s eye perspective. He was generally curious on whether or not the guards were smart enough to look up at the top of the building.
Marco took the butterfly, getting to the stables and mounting his warhorse. “Wonderful, we’ll be there in a bit.” Marco smiled. He was glad butterfly boy andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) was one of the smarter ones who decided to join his cause. Soon, the three of them would be fighting together in battle. And their hard work would build up, and they’d one day rule the world. It was perfect. He kicked his horse into a run, his metal clanking together as the horse moved. Marco would consider morphing it to become stealthier when they got closer to the capital.
(I mean… andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) wouldn’t mind being called ‘butterfly boy’…)
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) quietly climbed down from the top of the building and went inside the building through a perfectly sized hole. As he got inside, he spotted several guards inside.
So this was why the outside’s so empty… he thought to himself as he ran silently down the hall, looking for a place to hide until the other two arrived.
(Lol, Marco will definitely start calling him that ha) (Also I might wait a bit for @Relsey to pop in)
(Ehe… yeeah. I have no clue what to do cause like… there's no reason to stop them yet.)
(Yeah, I think we almost might be there when the protags can get more into the rp oof sorry it’s taking a bit long)
( @Emmylove-Exists, you know, I’ve actually started something you can work on to develop the protags’ plot)
Something andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) didn’t realize along the way to the palace, was the fact that he accidentally cursed some of the butterflies near the forest when he glided near it. The several cursed butterflies had the effect of nausea in them. The small village beside the forest would be affected by the butterflies, especially the children who liked to catch them.
(Can you work with this?)
Olivia gracefully mounted her horse and road up beside Marco, her horse keeping up with his perfectly. To all appearances she was the picture of calm indifference, inwardly she worried for her girls, they were off to the other kingdoms now, it was out of her control. Olivia's calm face was broken my a mischievous smile as the castle cam into view, this, this would be interesting.
Marco glanced at Olivia and gave her a grin just before they got to the palace entryway. He slid off his horse, tying it just outside the palace before he walked up the stairs to the huge doorway. One of the fours guards stepped in front of him, “State your business,” She demanded, one hand on the sword at her belt.
Marco took a moment to make a show of examining his nails, “Ah, you see we’re on a bit of a mission here. It would greatly beneficial to you if you could step aside.” In a heartbeat, he had a iron dagger at her throat. The other guards quickly had their swords up, but Marco didn’t seem to care.
Cassie rushed outside to see several children… vomiting? She hadn't heard of a virus going around, but walking around town, she saw several more. No one knew why. After several minutes, the realization came to her. Dammit. What kind of villain decides to make children throw up in his spare time?
Olivia began flicking darts out of her sleeves and one by one the guards went down, it was quite amusing, like watching domino's. When all but the one Marco was holding captive was delt with she stopped, "Would you like to do the honors or shall I?" she questioned holding a dart ready.
A loud sound came from behind the large door that led into the palace. The doors started to open, revealing andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) who opened the doors alone.
“The guards probably didn’t get enough sleep” he jokingly stated, gesturing at the several knocked out guards on the floor, each with a butterfly on them.
Marco slit the throat of the one he was holding captive, “I can’t let both of you do all the killing.” He grinned, the bloodlust rooted in his chest growing. He walked into the palace, “Thanks butterfly boy,” Marco winked at him as he entered, drawing a dagger for each hand. He could he more guards coming down the hall.
“The left hall’s already empty, the right one is filled with guards, that’s probably where our target is though…” andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) brought up as a red butterfly landed on him. He smiled slightly as the butterflies on the sleeping guards all turned red. As it happened, blood flooded out of the guards’ bodies and turned the front of the palace into a crimson garden.
“I’m sure a bit of fighting will be fun anyways,” Marco let out a laugh, levitating more daggers behind him as he walked to the right hall just as the guards came around the corner. The first five dropped in seconds when Marco’s dagger whizzed through them.