forum He Came from the Woods (O/O) CLOSED
Started by @KalamariCakes

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When the morning came, Sean had wandered to the kitchen at some point in the night and took out all the utensils and plates. He left the plates scattered on the counter, but the glittering utensils surrounded him as he sat on the floor, marveling at their polished shine and strange surfaces.


Sean shook his head meekly, looking ashamed. Kai could hear his father stirring from all the noise, the floor above them creaked as he rolled out of bed. At the creaking, Sean looked startled and afraid.


"Ah, nothing. I found a boy last night. All bloodied and injured. Said his mom did it to him. I brought him here and he decided to play with the spoons." Kai explained, turning to the fridge to take out eggs


His dad blinked. "Oh. Well. Ah.." he glanced over at Sean, who sat frozen and nervous like a frightened cat, "…Does he have a name?"

Also kai's dad is the epitome of not panicking )


XD yessss )

Kaius's dad was trying to get Sean outside. It was kind of funny, watching him try to coax him like he would an animal, using food even. Sean just watched him unimpressedly from the kitchen chair, refusing to return to the outdoors.
"Come on. C'mon. Isn't outside where you live?" His dad laughed confusedly. "This is so strange."