forum He Came from the Woods (O/O) CLOSED
Started by @KalamariCakes

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X crawled down the ramp to lay beside Kaius, to keep him safe as he slept. The dog kept his head up, alert and panting softly as he surveyed their wooded surroundings.


X stared with unmoving eyes past a swath of trees. It was too dark for Kai to see what it was, but X could hear and smell them. Someone was there, and it made the hackles on X's back rise.


X growled in the dorecrion of the forest and Kai frowned. If it was one of the other boys coming to tease X, they were gonna get it. He grabbed a knife and walked in the direction if the forest with a flashlight, X following closely, growling .


X sprang up in front of Kai. X had always been the overprotective type of dog; that's why Kai's father got him a German Shephard. They'll die for you before they even think twice, Kai's father said when they were adopting the pup. He'd been the size of Kaius's palm back then. Now the dog stood as tall as his knee, and large enough to tackle down the person in the woods.
Just a kid, maybe Kaius's age, paler than pallid seashell ivory and a battered body: a visibly broken arm, bruised and scraped knees, and blood seeping through a t-shirt. He made no noise upon being trampled by the dog. X wasn't violent, and once he assessed the helpless state of the stranger, he began to wag his tail in expectance of praise from Kai.

( good boi, x )


"X, get off him silly pup!" Kai said. X whined and came back to Kai, sitting beside him and licked his hand. Kai laughed softly and scratched his head "good boy, even though I wasnt in danger." He said softly. X barked and licked Kai's face. "Ok, ok! I get it! Down boy!" X stopped and faced the other figure, tilting his head curiously


The other kid followed Kai with nervous eyes. He said nothing to the stranger. His nose ran down his lip and he panted shallowly– almost like he wished he could disappear, if he held still enough.


He didn't answer him with words. He did, however, bring a shaking hand to his shirt to stretch so Kai could read the words. To Kai, he recognized it as the 1990's clothing brand logo Sean John. To the kid, he must have identified his name as such.


He stared back at him, with somewhat of a flat, defeated look. From the sweat on his exposed skin, it was decently evident now that he was probably in too much pain– or too afraid–to move.


The boy lifted his unharmed arm to hesitantly accept his offer of hospitality. His quiet breathing, now that he realized he was safe, hastened into ragged breathing and whimpers.


He felt like picking up a handful of twigs, almost. On the brink of being malnourished, yet his face still looked full. Even if his limbs were lanky and could use some meat.


Kai started walking back with the boy in his hands and took him into the barn "X, watch him, I'll be back with some food and water." he instructed his dog and left to get some supplies.


X sat down as he was told, tail thumping lazily. Sean became lethargic very quickly in Kaius's arms. Exhausted and hurt, it was clear the kid needed some good sleep.