Started by @purpleowl25_pew_pew

people_alt 3 followers


Hi, so, I've never done a roleplay but it looks like a lot of fun! One of my favorite thing is Stranger Things, so I thought it would be cool to do a Stranger Things roleplay. It's set around Season 1. So here is the template for making your character:

Good, Evil, Neutral (does good, does bad):
Regular Human or Lab Expirement:
IF LAB EXPIREMENT, Number (1-7,9-10, and possibly 12+. Be sure no-one else is that number first!) and Power:
IF REGULAR HUMAN, Job (student, Lab Worker, Police Officer, etc.):

(No, you can't be Mike, Lucas, Eleven, Dustin, Max, or any other main characters. OC's only)


Here's my character:

Name: Elara (thinks her name is Ten)
Gender: Female
Good, Evil, Neutral: Good, mostly
Age: 13
Regular Human or Lab Experiment: Lab Expirement
Number and Power: 010, can read memories and manipulate feelings
Talents: stealing, hiding, escaping, therapy (since she can read memories)
Fears/Phobias: Elara has Enochlophobia, fear of crowds. Because of this, she stays by herself most of the time.
Looks: She has matted red hair that hangs down to her shoulders, and her eyes are a bright clover green. Her skin is pale from hiding during the day and coming out at night, and she has a scar under her right eye from when a bullet grazed her. Her left wrist broke while escaping the lab and never healed properly, so she can't use it very well and it just flops down on her side.
Other: She lived in the lab her whole life until she was 9. Then one day, she tried to escape with her powers by making all the guards depressed. It would have worked, but one of the other guards came and tried to shoot her. The bullet missed, instead grazing her left eye. She was forced to jump out a window, and landed off balance, breaking her left wrist. She has been on her own since.


Oh yeah, I forgot to say. No swearing or anything of that kind. See if you can make it appropriate, like PG-13. I don't want anything that would be not appropriate for children. Blood and gore is okay though.


Nope! XD

Name: Baye (No last name)
Gender: Male
Good, Evil, Neutral (does good, does bad): Neutral
Age: 17
Regular Human or Lab Expirement: Human
IF REGULAR HUMAN, Job (student, Lab Worker, Police Officer, etc.): Police officer
Talents: determination, aim (Sniper)
Fears/Phobias: Water, the future
Other: Find out ;D


Name: Maya
Gender: female
Good, Evil, Neutral: Good
Age: 16
Regular Human or Lab Expierment: Regular Human
Job: Journalist and works at grocery store on Mondays and Thursdays
Talents: Good at drawing, Animals trust her immeadiately
Fears/Phobias: Athazagoraphobia the fear of being forgotten of forgetting
Looks: Blonde hair, hair is always curled, Deep blue eyes, freckles, white skin, pinkish redish lips, always has a sparkle in her eye
Other: parents own a grocery store, moved to Hawkins 2 weeks ago, first day of high school in 1 week


Elara woke up chilled. The sky was dark but not pitch black yet. The sun was just setting, and not many people were around. She stood up, and wiped off her black hoodie. It was covered in dirt anyway, so a little bit of garbage made no difference. She climbed up over the garbage can she was behind and made her way out of the alley. The grocery store across the street had all the lights off. Elara jogged over and looked up into the top floor's windows.