forum Camp Halfblood [OPEN]
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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Name: Kyle (i am so sorry it took me this long ;-;)
Age: 15
Gender: male
Godly Parent: Poseidon
Looks: 5'11", medium length pure white hair, green eyes
Attire: Cargo shorts, short sleeve band shirts, a blue hoodie (it's usually tied around his waist)
Personality: he loves water, he's a little slow to notice things, excitable, energetic
Flaws: if someone tries to take the amulet off of him he will not hesitate to break bones,
Talents: he's able to breath under water ONLY while wearing/touching an amulet that his father gave him, he loves to play the Violin
Hobbies: (i'll fix this later, right now i need to get this posted, again sorry it took me this long)
Favorite Weapon: A 10" Bowie knife that he sneaked into camp
Worst Fear: claustrophobia
One Random Fact: the Amulet that he wears is carved from a sapphire from the Mariana Trench.
Other: bi, no glasses, Gryffindor


Name:Elizabeth (Eliza) Hawthorne
Age: 17
Godly Parent: Apollo
Looks: Long, Straight Black hair (like seriously crazy long), tan skin, dark green eyes
Attire: usually a CHB t-shirt, in the winter months her CHB hoodie, jeans or sweatpants (only blue jean colored), and her black converse.
Personality:sarcastic, loyal, trusting, stubborn, intelligent, quiet, observant
Flaws: Naïve, Stubborn, too trusting at times, she has trouble speaking up in crowds, especially at head counselor meetings (can I be the head counselor please?)
Talents: Healing, Canoeing, Poetry, and control over light (I googled that last one because I ran out of ideas, DON'T JUDGE ME!!)
Hobbies:Reading, Writing, Acting (hey, I'm Apollo's kid. I have a flair for the dramatic)
Favorite Weapon: A knife
Worst Fear:Being alone, and being unable to protect her loved ones
One Random Fact: Loves Broadway
Other: Slytherin, wears contacts