forum Camp Halfblood [OPEN]
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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Name: Carson Dane
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Male
Godly Parent: Athena
Looks: brown hair, green eyes, tall, muscular, sharp facial features, dimples
Attire: jeans, random shirts, tennis shoes, sword by his side
Personality: Carson is very down to earth. He's in reality. He's a strategist. He looks at every possible outcome and figures out which one ends in his favor. He is very skilled in combat, comes with being the son of Athena.
Flaws: always wants to be right, wants everything to go his way
Talents: photographic memory
Hobbies: reading, strategizing
Favorite Weapon: sword
Worst Fear: losing everything
One Random Fact: He hates watermelon
Other: wears glasses


(I asked if I could join as 2 characters and you said i could join as 1. Also, it says this is open so I assumed it was okay for me to go ahead and join)


Name: Caspian Rex
Age: 17
Gender: male
Godly Parent: Hecate
Personality: develop
Flaws: develop but hates spiders
Talents: singing, sword fighting, illusions
Hobbies: cooking, reading, swimming, singing, climbing trees and accidently sleeping in them then falling off
Favorite Weapon: the second one
Worst Fear: hurting those he loves
One Random Fact: he loves animals
Other: Sexuality, Hogwarts House, Glasses or not (if your character has a personal backstory, please keep it out of this) straight, Gryffinclaw


Name: Reya Michaels
Age: 14
Gender: Girl
Godly Parent: Nemesis
Looks: Albino, Blue eyes, Tall
Attire: Imagine Sadie Kane's Clothing
Personality: Sarcastic, Determined, Introverted, Hopeless Romantic
Flaws: Annoying, Ignores people when listening to music, Clingy, Pranks, Throws Chex Mix at people, VENGEANCE
Talents: Singing, Whacking people over the head with books, Biting, Sword-fighting
Hobbies: whacking people, reading, singing
Favorite Weapon: Headphones (can be pretty much anything)
Worst Fear: betrayal
One Random Fact: She's very overzealous
Other: Straight, Hufflepuff, glasses


Name: Eli Harlen
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Godly Parent: Aphrodite
Looks: 5’6, dark skin, curly shaved black hair, brown eyes, slim, somewhat muscular
Attire: CHB hoodie (usually around his waist), some kind of t-shirt (probably a blue one), jeans, grey tennies
Personality: People pleaser, shy, introverted, anxious, follower, doesn’t talk much, nice, listener
Flaws: Won’t stand up for himself, will usually just follow along
Talents: Can play the piano, pretty good with a dagger, can hide in small spaces easily
Hobbies: playing piano, listening to music (mostly piano), hanging out with Apollo kids, hide and seek (the hiding part)
Favorite Weapon: His trusty dagger
Worst Fear: People not being happy with his choices
One Random Fact: The Apollo kids taught him piano
Other: Bi, he’s blind (if that’s ok), I’m sorry I’m not that good at making characters :P