forum Camp Halfblood [OPEN]
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

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(you guys will have to wait a while, sly's a mess of emotions right now… don't worry though he should get back within a few weeks)


(Great! It's cool that you're back Sly)

Name: Safiya Aswad
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Aphrodite
Looks: Light brown skin, straight shoulder length black hair, brown eyes, slim figure
Attire: loves to wear makeup, jeans, a simple shirt with satin boots or white sneakers.
Personality: Type A, extroverted, loyal, ambitious, charming, cunning.
Flaws: Sometimes pretentious, competitive, gets angry pretty easily, control freak, hardly forgives.
Talents: Can speak Arab and French, can run in heels.
Hobbies: Swimming, painting watercolors, socializing.
Favorite Weapon: Throwing knives
Worst Fear: Abandonment
One Random Fact: Her favorite food is kebab.
Other: Bi, Slytherdor.


(Awesome! What year is this set in btw? 1980s?)
Name: Rachel Nove
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Apollo
Looks: Asian features, long dark wavy hair, dark brown (almost black) eyes, light skin.
Attire: Usually cargo pants with a black, white, or grey tank-top, absolutely no make-up
Personality: Fairly smart, though tends not think things through, can be fiery if one of her friends gets bullied by other campers, and is not afraid to show it. Likes being alone, does not speak unless spoken to. Quite nice in general, unless she's given a reason not to be, and when she opens up to people or starts to trust a person more she can be a total goofball.
Flaws: Bites her nails, doesn't hang out around people much,
Talents: Sings, plays tenor and alto saxophone, knows Jujitsu,
Hobbies: Singing, wandering in the woods, hanging out by the lake.
Favorite Weapon: Dagger
Worst Fear: Losing someone she cares about.
One Random Fact: From a Korean Background
Other: Panromantic Ace, loves musical theatre, Sometimes mistaken for the child of a different god, Slytherclaw.


Name: Grayson Amari
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Godly Parent: Hecate
Looks: unruly black hair that he doesn't bother making look neat, hazel eyes, average build, 5'8", Japanese
Attire: Black, mostly hoodies or leather jackets with jeans and sneakers
Personality: Blunt, cold, extremely honest, loyal to those that somehow break his tough exterior and people he needs to be loyal to, has anxiety when it comes to betrayal and other things like that, doesn't trust easily but is extremely trustworthy, protective, strong sense of justice and fairness, sarcastic, understanding, is completely content with dying, has depression
Flaws: Untrusting, doesn't get close to people, blunt, cold
Talents: Writing, is really good at reading people
Hobbies: Writing, reading
Favorite Weapon: He's horrible at combat but he's a little better with a sword
Worst Fear: Getting too close too people/falling in love
One Random Fact: Likes philosophy, psychology and controversial topics
Other: Omnisexual, no glasses

Deleted user

(hey, so i might be gone for a while if I don't reply by Sunday. If I don't then just pretend I'm somewhere else )


Name: Skylar Bornes
Age: Teens 13
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Dionysus
Looks: She is short, a little bit on the stockier side, with dirty blond hair and purple eyes
Attire: Nothing too flashy Wears t-shirts too big for her, jeans, and uggs.
Personality: Ambiverted, shy, hardworking, independent, witty, thinks before acting
Flaws: Anxiety, ADHD, can be rude at times, when she doesn't understand something, she cries and gets unexplainibly angry at people who try to talk to her, is not a fast runner
Talents: DOn'T mAKE THEM ALL COMBAT RELATEd Stratagizing, growing plants, caring for animals, knifework
Hobbies: Caring for animals, writing, growing grapes/other plants
Favorite Weapon: Knife
Worst Fear: The fact that she and every other half blood will probably not make it past the age of 20
One Random Fact: Though she is a daughter of Dionysus, she doesn't like the smell of alcohol (like beer), except for wine.
Other: Sexuality, Hogwarts House, Glasses or not (if your character has a personal backstory, please keep it out of this) Ravenclaw, She as glasses, is biromantic


Name: Robin Mayfield
Age: sixteen
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Athena
Looks: waist length brown hair that she wears in braids, vibrant bluish/grey eyes, athletic build, dimples, freckles
Attire: plain athletic shorts, a tank top or camp half blood shirt, black tennis shoes, a crewneck sweatshirt on cold nights.
Personality: Robin is on the quieter side and is very patient which is helpful when planning. She becomes determined when given a task.
Flaws: Has to make everything perfect. Only wants the best
Talents: art, singing, fencing
Hobbies: Robin enjoys reading, painting, and riding horses
Favorite Weapon: bow and arrow but is skilled at swordplay as well
Worst Fear: not being true to herself, spiders
One Random Fact: when she was little she had a dog named Ripley
Other: Hufflepuff, straight