forum Camp Halfblood [OPEN]
Started by @ThatBackgroundSlytherin

people_alt 18 followers


Sup y'all

I'm always late to these

Here's the template

Imma limit three kids to each god/goddess

Artemis, Hera, and the like are out of the question

le frickin Template

Age: Teens
Godly Parent: Let's get some diversity
Attire: Nothing too flashy
Favorite Weapon: Singular
Worst Fear:
One Random Fact:
Other: Sexuality, Hogwarts House, Glasses or not (if your character has a personal backstory, please keep it out of this)

Deleted user

( Crashes in. I'm here, I'm here! Coughs. May I join?)



-No OP characters
-Only OCs
-Don't make your character the "MC" who has all the answers, never gets hurt, and has their own special plot
-This is a safe space
-Please respect me saying no
-No sexy times
-More later…

If you don't follow these

You're out


Name: Melody Smith
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Apollo
Looks: Long, straight blonde hair she dyed black streaks through, tan skin, and blue eyes
Attire: with a silver chain that has a bow and arrow charm. When she tugs it, it turns into a bow and a quiver of arrows
Personality: Kind, sassy, rebellious, prankster, childish, artistic, stubborn, loyal
Flaws: Loyal, gullible, has a soft spot for little kids
Talents: Archery, music (especially violin), art, healing, photokinesis
Hobbies: Archery, music, art, skateboarding, dancing
Favorite Weapon: Bow and Arrow
Worst Fear: Being abandoned/forgotten
One Random Fact: When she has to treat younger kids in the infirmary she'll control the light to make it look like her hair is glowing and sings the "flowers gleam and glow" thing from Rapunzel
Other: Nope


Name: Bella Parker
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Ares
Looks: Black hair pulled back into a ponytail, tan skin, one eye blue the other green, 6ft. athletic build
Attire: Orange camp halfblood t-shirt, denim shorts, sneakers
Personality: Straightforward, sarcastic, confident, sly
Flaws: grouchy, snarky, cocky
Talents: Negotiating, being stealthy, climbing, sword fighting, strategy games
Hobbies: Strategy games, climbing, puzzles, sword fighting, picking fights
Favorite Weapon: Bronze sword. (Is it alright if she uses a shield too?)
Worst Fear: Dying
One Random Fact: Is color blind
Other: Straight, Gryffidor (?), no glasses

Deleted user

Name: Zoe Melana
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Hermes
Looks: She has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, fair-tone skin, is slim, but has an athletic body build, around 5'6.
Attire: Nothing too flashy
Personality: She is really outgoing and she loves to take risks and have fun, not to mention that she can't sit still. She is very loyal and is also cunning and intelligent and can also be sarcastic. She is also stubborn and she can sometimes not take anything seriously.
Flaws: She can be really stubborn, not take anything seriously, too loyal, afraid to let go.
Talents: She has good aim because she can throw
Hobbies: Throwing pranks, stealing,
Favorite Weapon: A bronze double-bladed sword.
Worst Fear: She is afraid of rejection, the unknown, being alone, heights.
One Random Fact: She can rap.
Other: Straight, Slytherin, no glasses.