Hi–sorry I'm so late! I'll start with Luciel: top down…
Hmm, first note would have to go under motivations. Since he's the MC, I'm assuming that . a lot revolves around him. Because of this, it's important that he's motivated by something more specific than wanting to be interested. Otherwise it seems unrealistic. Very, VERY good job on the rest of the personality page though.
Very nice on the backstory. It explains everything, but I'm sensing a slight character blip–he kills for the fun of it. I could be wrong, but that's what I'm picking up. It just seems off somehow. I can understand the premise, but I think it needs way more justification to be able to fly. Otherwise, it's illogical and readers won't be able to sympathize and thus will lose interest.
I REALLY appreciate the premise of this character. He's got a haunting, seductive, Gothic vibe that I absolutely ADORE. I just think you could add a bit more justification so that I don't hate myself for loving him, you know? Other than that, he's amazing!
All right, Arabella! Top down (duh)…
CAPRI-SUN! I love this. Just had to throw that in here. I love this.
Again, motivations are a little skewed. This one sounds more justifiable, but I think you need to contextualize it more. "…through assassination. She feels…" or something along those lines. Tell us what she feels about this. THAT'S her motivation.
I really appreciate your use of Machiavelli, by the way. That's really helping me with their philosophies! Although to jump back (just though of this, sorry!) if Luciel is also a big Machiavelli supporter, why is he so anarchic? I feel as if this doesn't make much sense given Machiavelli's views on a powerful leader.
Okay, but back to Arabella! I love her hobbies and talents. They make her seem human.
I like the backstory, but the link from death to murder to torture is shaky. The first half is okay, but then she goes full sadist with barely any explanation. It's hard to think of a reason for it (I struggle with this a lot) but if you don't, your characters seem flatter.
I really like your characters, especially Luciel, and I think your universe is unique and interesting!! Support their personalities and you've got a strong series here!
I hope that this helps you!! :DDD