forum The Siren and the Chimera (with @Dances_with_Shadows)
Started by @PrettyLittlePyro

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@ElderGod-kirky group


"Perhaps," Kora mused. "I mean, it's not like Hypnos does anything to wrong others. He's quite the passive god, despite being the twin brother of Thanatos."


Aquarius Renee to come to himself, if only for a moment. “Don’t send me to Hypnos,” He panted. “I can’t stabd counting any more sheep.” He sounded desperate.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Kora's brows furrowed. "What has been done to you?" she asked quickly, using this brief window of opportunity to get the most important questions out.


“Nothing too bad,” he panted, red flashing through his eyes before he blinked it away. “But they want my sister. She can’t let them get her, or it could be catastrophic!”

@ElderGod-kirky group

"We got her, don't worry," she said, still talking quickly, "but I want to know how to help you." I could always take him to my sister-in-law, she thought suddenly, and it wasn't a bad idea. Probably the best spell caster there is, definitely the most talented illusionist.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Kora sighed, then rubbed at her temples. "I have a solution, but it involves my family, and I doubt you would like to concern yourself—in fact, I'd much prefer to keep my happenings hush hush for now until I get things figured out."

@ElderGod-kirky group

Kora grabbed Aquarius by his collar and dragged him down the hall until she met back up with the others. She was the last to arrive, which was no surprise, and her eyes scanned the group to see who all they had rescued.

(remember, other groups went to get her other brothers and captives as well)


(Yeah, I do.)

The Old Man of the Sea was there. It seems as though the others had rescued him. He smiled sadly when he caught sight of the Siren Prince.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Ah, I see you're here," Kora said when she saw The Old Man. She turned to the Chimera brothers. I need you three and the other inflicted sirens to come with me. The old man can come too."

Lance and Levi tilted their heads in question, but Leon didn't seem too concerned. Aurae petted her snakes idly, keeping an eye on the other freed captives.


Tempest, Ford and a few others, who seemed perfectly fine, we’re all waiting. Tempest was still passed out, and Ford was strugglig wildly as an ugly, worn down looking woman said, “Hypnos. Hypnos,” over and over.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Yeah, something's up," Kora murmured, then pulled out a purple-ish gem from her back pocket. "Lance, you keep Tempest with you. Levi, you can handle Aquarius." He looked about ready to protest, but soon quieted down when he saw the look on Kora's face. She continued. "Leon, you take Ford. I'll take the old man and this lovely lady right here." She came up to the worn down woman and lightly gripped her arm while Levi grabbed Aquarius and Leon got Ford.


The woman cackled. “Hypnos is going to get you!” She shouted. Aquarius and Ford But started struggling, panicked looks on their faces.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Kora lazily twirled her fingers, and a watery gag settled over the woman's lips. "Alright, is everybody ready?" she asked the Chimera triplets. They all nodded, Levi and Leon keeping firm holds on their respective siren. Aurae knew what she had to do and gestured for the rest of the people to follow her out of the palace. She got them in, she could get them out.

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Sweet, then let's go to the land of the Immortals," she said with fake enthusiasm, chucking the purple gem against the wall. It shattered, and a portal sprung up in its place. "You all go first, it'll close after I go through." The triplets nodded and walked through, emerging in some sort of massive library.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Kora groaned and ran her hand up and down her face. Lance gently adjusted Tempest in his arms. Levi and Leon just set their respective sirens down on the floor.