forum The Siren and the Chimera (with @Dances_with_Shadows)
Started by @PrettyLittlePyro

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@ElderGod-kirky group

"Ah, finally. Someone beats me in the age category," Kora said with a chuckle, then cocked her head to the side. "I don't mean to be rude, but I believe I've forgotten my manners. And who might you be?"


The old man smiled. “I have many names, but I am usually called the Old Man of the Sea.” He pulled Aquarius to his feet. “And I do hope the Chinera hurries. Nyx won’t be able to distract the council for much longer. The siren princes are his favorite toys.”

@ElderGod-kirky group

Kora frowned in the direction that Leon had gone, then looked to Levi, who had seemingly forgone picking the locks and was simply calculating the precise angle needed to bash it open. "Levi, what in the gods' name is your brother doing?"

"Unsuccessfully trying to find some rope. He did find a gag though."

@ElderGod-kirky group

Kora sighed, "I have to do everything around here," then rubbed her hands together. She stepped in front of Aquarius and flicked her fingers around, creating a rope of water that circled around the siren's body and pinned his limbs so he couldn't lash out.


The man laughed. “I was thinking of something else, but that works.” He let go of Aquarius and looked to Levi. “Would you be so kind as to open the cage?”

@ElderGod-kirky group

"Yup, just a sec." He grabbed a nearby rock and smashed it into the lock. Just as he predicted, it popped right off.

Kora tilted her head in curiosity at the Old Man. "What exactly were you thinking?" she asked, grabbing Aquarius so she could guide him. Leon came back with a cloth in his hand, then gave it to Kora for her to tie it around Aquarius.

@ElderGod-kirky group

She shrugged. "Yes, but this is simpler and less likely to cause a mess. And as for finding things, my specialty lies in the ocean. I can find practically anything in the water, but I'm not so well off on land."

@ElderGod-kirky group

Kora hissed a slippery curse, then released Aquarius and turned to a puddle on the ground. Levi and Leon turned into a lizard and housecat, respectively, and scurried out of the view of any newcomers.


Footsteps rang through the hall. The old man grabbed Aquarius and darted into the cell before shutting it. About a hundred men came in, all with red eyes.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Kora didn't dare stir, but she was well aware of her surroundings. I don't like this, she thought to herself. Levi and Leon remained hidden, not making a sound.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Shit, we were to slow, Kora grumbled to herself, mentally kicking herself for dawdling. She was a warrior– warriors didn't dawdle and talk to the locals.


Who?” The brainwashed leader looked as started as his clouded mind would allow him.

Aquarius looked confused. “I-I don’t know,” he confessed.


It seemed that, for just a second, his eyes flashed his normal blue. He was fighting it.

Aquarius was pulled from the cage, and the old man was left. A new lock, stronger and heavier, was chained to the cage, and more guards were posted.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Damn. Kora wasn't too frazzled, however. She just stretched out her "body" until it was wide enough to reach all of the guards, then grew until she was a giant and borderline raging wall of seawater. A faint, feline whimper could be heard.