@ElderGod-kirky group
He watched her go, still silently cursing himself for being a bumbling mess around her.
He watched her go, still silently cursing himself for being a bumbling mess around her.
Tempest payed for the stuff and waited, examining Lance from a distance. What was it about him?
Bored, he picked up a napkin and started folding it into an origami creature of no real origin. He didn't notice Tempest examining him and slightly poked his tongue out in concentration.
She giggled slightly, watching him.
He froze and slowly rose is eyes up to meet hers, pink staining his cheeks.
She grinned. "Don't let me distract you, go on. I thought it was really cute."
The pink turned to red. "I'm not cute," he mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
Tempest grinned slightly, though she was blushing hard. "No? Well, that's your opinion, and while I respect it, it's wrong."
He ducked his head but went back to folding the napkin. He changed the shape to a complicated swan, long and nimble fingers easily making the tricky folds.
Tempest tilted her head, watching. "How do you do that?"
Lance looked up again. "Huh? Do what?"
"Make that." She moved closer to him, staring at the bird. "Mine always look like misshapen paper airplanes."
He huffed a laugh with a small smile, then held up the bird. "Practice and patience. And a good eye for detail. It helps that I've had quite a bit of time to practice."
"That does help. I wouldn't know, I'm not nearly as old and wise as you are."
"Wise is an overstatement of my knowledge, " he said with a smile directed at her.
"Fine, old. Happy now, Grandpa?" She gave him a small smile.
He shook his head with a chuckle. "Just get the food."
Tempest mock saluted. "Of course, Your Oldness."
He mockingly scowled at her.
With a grin, she went to go get the food.
He took another napkin and started folding it as well, fashioning it into an origami dragon while he waited.
Tempest brought the food over and sat down across from him.
He looked up, then handed her the completed dragon. "That smells good," he commented.
She blushed as he handed it to her. "Thanks." She handed him some food. "So… why'd you make a dragon? And not a goat?" She grinned slightly.
He rolled his eyes. "Because dragons are more complicated, and I want to challenge myself. And because of the obvious." He gestured to himself.
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