forum Dragons and Dinosaurs and the Thing In Between
Started by @PrettyLittlePyro

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@ElderGod-kirky group

(Tess got beat up by her foster brother with a crowbar when she was twelve. Her cheekbone is still kinda sunken in from it being shattered. It was so bad she basically handed herself to the cops because she knew they wanted to have her executed. My poor suicidal baby…)

@ElderGod-kirky group

(I don't really want to get in-depth with Tess's backstory. But let's just say she's had a crap life and loathes the foster care system with a burning passion. And basements. And anywhere underground. And anyone wearing a lab coat or resembles a doctor/scientist is getting throat punched and kicked in the balls.)


Adri shook her head, standing up and finished her chocolate. "Let's go. We have a job, and as much as I love mocking others, we should get this done.


"That's not really a problem. I can take someone up with me." Adri pulled off her jacket and rapped it around her waist, fanning two huge bat wings around.

@ElderGod-kirky group

(Okay, so, Tess in her full dragon form is 100 feet long from tip of tail to tip of snout, and 25 feet wide from shoulder to shoulder. She has two sets of large wings)

@vidari-is-tired-in-advance group

Porta jumped and grabbed on to the dragon's tail. She could barely hold on as it twisted and weaved through the air. Climbing up to the dragon's shoulder's wasn't even in the realm of possibility at this point. Just as the dragon broke through the clouds, Porta's grip slipped, and she plummeted towards the earth.


Taran rolled her eyes. She glanced at the girl called Wolf. "Ready to go?"

Levira shook her head. "I'll teleport." With that, she vanished and reappeared a few feet away.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Tessa turned her head and hovered in the air, dropping her tail to let on others should they want to hitch a ride. Her voice was disembodied and didn't seem to be spoken, as she didn't move her jaw. "Only some." her large eye twinkled with amusement.