forum Bread Cult (Pastries and other stuff like that welcome.)
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Lily: Rea, tries to touch her but Andrea shrinks away sweetie, there's nothing there.
Andrea: To Lily, angry Yes there is, he's right there. Stands up and stomps over to where "Higuer" is, she proceeds to rip away an imaginary curtain, and there stands Higuer, visible to everyone. He's right there and he's come to take me back. Runs and hides behind Shade… Please don't let him, don't let him…

Deleted user

Shade: Looks over at Maia and nods. Thank you! She walks over to Higuer and turns him to… ashes. He's gone gone gone! I told you I could see him!

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Andrea: returns to a simi-normal human, pulls out a lighter and starts flipping it on, lighting bread on fire Look, shade! It's shiny.
Lily:like a hassled mom Andrea! Please don't play with fire!! Starts to sweep up the ashes

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Shade: Eyes wide, she actually grabs the fire off the bread and holds it in her hands. Shiny shiny shiny! Runs over to show it to Addic. Look! It's a shiny!

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Shade: Is sad because Addic did not like the shiny. But- shiny!

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Meep: Come on, Lynn! 5 pages is nothing!

Shade: Laughs at Lynn and holds out the fire for them to see See the shiny shiny shiny?

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Shade: But fire is good! Why wouldn't you and fire mix well? This fire isn't normal fire, otherwise I wouldn't be able to grab grab grab it!

Deleted user

Lynn: scoffs. very shiny. Now keep it away from my face.
The Oracle: Has also returned. I am sorry my lovelies!! It seems I missed a bit! It seems we are making fire, yes?

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Shade: Is very sad by the rude people. Very mean. Brightens at the sight of the Oracle. Hello! Yes, fire fire fire.

Meep: So- you missed a lot of speculation on my part as to what happened to Shade to make her like, well… gestures to Shade, who is currently excavating a hole in the ground for shinies.

Deleted user

Lynn: …huh.. Nice.

The Oracle: helping shade find things with their four arms. I found one!! Shade I found one!!!

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Sahde: Leaps up YAY! Shiny shiny shiny! She inspects it closely. Oo, it's a good shiny! It's ruby ruby ruby! Pure, untainted ruby! She puts it with her other shinies.

Meep: Yup.

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The Oracle: giggles. Shiny shiny shiny shiny, ruby ruby ruby ruby!! Four is the best number number number number!!

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Shade: Confused Why four four four? Why not three three three?

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The Oracle: holds up their four arms and laughs. Four is better than one! Er, I guess I do have three eyes… and three is better than four! Five, six, seven eight nine!! giggles

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Shade: Giggles along with the Oracle, then continues digging, finding numerous bits of volcanic glass, and some precious metals and rare gems.

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The Oracle: tilts their head. Hmm, I recognize you! You smell smell smell smell of soup!!! giggles again

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Shade: Laughs Joy soup, demon soup, anger soup… soup soup soup! Why would I smell of soup?

@shining-just-for-you language

Cayden has left the chat
Lachlan has joine dthe chat
Lachlan: looks around Fire! Fire and many many many arms and shiny things and a kitty!

Luckless: to Meep Cayden's one of the earliest forms of Seafarers, so he looks human but underneath he's a megalodon. His is about 40 feet long.

Deleted user

Shade: Looks at Lachlan and produces another flame. Shiny! Shiny shiny shiny… She walks over. Are you okay with fire?

Meep: Ah… okay. Makes sense, I guess. Not the craziest thing I've ever heard!