forum a group chat for literally any character ever but since there's so many different universes colliding it's just pure chaos (always open)
Started by @requiemisback language

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Asuka: No, I didn't. That's interesting. I actually learned Celestial, Elvish and Common as I grew up.
Techna: I'm fluent in binary code, plus literally every other language that has ever existed. I have access to the internet at all times, so it makes sense.
Asuka: Show-off…
Techna: You were just saying you learned the three hardest languages to learn growing up and can speak them all well. I have to rely on technology for that. So in the end, who's worked the hardest? Neither of us.

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Asuka: I wasn't flexing, you merely made a false comment to incite a response and got one.
Techna: Exactly waht she said, minus the not flexing part and the merely responding part.
Asuka: You definitely weren't made conceited… so you had to have learned that.
Techna: I know. I'm very smart, and good looking compared to most others. coughs
Asuka: You can't even cough, dude. What are you doing?
Techna: Looking very offended despite the lack of very many defining facial features Just because I'm an AI does NOT mean that I can't at least adopt some organic mannerisms!


Addic: then again, I am always drunk, therefore, me being sober would be being drunk for me seeing as drunk is normal and sober is not. If you are able to follow my train of thought.

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Cass: Makes perfect sense to me. I have a snake jester as a boyfriend.

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Cass: It's not a healthy relationship unless the couple in question has tried to kill each other at least 10 times.

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Cass: That's my point. Even if it's not your relationship, it's not healthy unless the couple in question has tried to kill each other at least ten times.

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Cass: Oh hey! Hello, new person! I assume your name is Azriel? Also, I hate you Addic.

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Cass: Makes sense. I saw what happened quite a bit ago. This "Aiden" character is definitely a moron.

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Aiden: HEY! I don't know you, but shut it!
Techna: Who the bleep are you?
Techna: I asked first!
Aiden: Shut-
Asuka: Both of you, just shut up.
Invictus and Mist: I agree.
Aiden: Nobody-
Asuka: Do you want me to shut you up?
Techna: …

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Cass: I don't hate you. I actually like you (not like that) but I just say that instead.