@Kie group
(I think I gotta go, we present after break. Bye!)
(I think I gotta go, we present after break. Bye!)
(Bye, see ya later!)
Finn walks into the Lobby. He finally finished his 20-minute phone call where he made sure his little sister was all right. He's going to kill Willow for making him go on this trip. He walks around aimlessly not sure where he's supposed to be.
Ava wonders around the hotel trying to find the room she was given. Danny already abandoned her to go who knows where so she's all alone.
(bye see you after!)
(Finn can take Virgil's place if ya'll don't mind.)
Finn finally finds a teacher who tells him his room number.
(Lloyd's in the lobby as well so they can interact if you want)
Finn looks around the Lobby. No one he's close too came on the trip so he looks for anyone that's familiar. He sees Lloyd not that far away. He walks over. He's seen him around school before and might just might you know have a pretty big crush on him.
Lloyd looked up as Finn approached. He knew they were around the same age, but Lloyd was a senior. "Oh… hello, Finn. I didn't know you were coming on this trip as well."
Finn smiled sat on a couch. "Yeah didn't really want to but my friend made me. Thought i better make the best of it though," He admitted.
Lloyd nodded. "Apparently there's going to be a party, and I'm basically required to go." He glanced at the door. "I'm… not exactly a party person."
"Haven't heard about this party yet but I'll probably go. My friend practically told me that I'm not allowed back into the house until I get a life," He joked. "Don't worry though. At these types of things people get so wasted that you can just leave halfway through and no one notices."
"Well, hopefully there isn't any alcohol… the people going to buy stuff are all underaged, so I don't think they could buy any." Lloyd smoothed down his hoodie a bit. Honestly, he was already tired, but he was always tired. He was a senior at sixteen, after all, and he had a lot of work to do.
Finn nods. "They'll still be distracted," He says sitting up straight.
"Yeah, hopefully. I don't think I could stay there the entire time…" I'd likely end up having a panic attack or something… anxiety's a bitch. He thought to himself bitterly.
Finn nods "I never stay long at parties. I don't have any responsibilities on this trip but i probably will still leave early," He admits.
"Same. I can't help but feel like there's something more important I could be doing…"
Finn nods "That's how I feel about this entire week," He sighs. I could be working and making money but instead i had to take two weeks off and I'm pretty sure my boss is pissed
"Yeah… I don't do well on trips like this, and I'm not really sure why I decided to come, but what's done is done… honestly, I was just reading in my room for the majority of today."
"I just found out my room. I would hide there but I have nothing to do," He crossed his legs still smiling.
Lloyd nodded. "I like reading a lot. I actually like reading textbooks, but that's incredibly nerdy…" He looked down at the floor, his face flushing a bit.
Finn smile softens "Well that is nerdy but in a good way," He reassures.
"I'm literally 15 and not a kid, but ok," Fynn said, sighing dramatically as he followed Isak.
He almost cried when he saw the total cost of his own purchase alone, but he felt his eyes well up when he saw the cost of the pizzas.
"Y-Yeah… the other seniors pick on me sometimes for it, but it's mostly sophomores. People my age who think it's dumb that I skipped a couple grades." Lloyd rubbed the back of his head nervously, avoiding eye contact.
"Well, it's literally the opposite of dumb. You get to graduate a lot earlier than any of them. I'd love to be done with high school after this year. Are you going to college?" He asks and then immediately regrets it. This kid seems to be a genius. of course, he's going to college.
Lloyd nodded. "I've gotten a few scholarships, but I haven't decided where I want to go for sure just yet. It's… it's pretty stressful…"
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