forum Show off Your Art!!!
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people_alt 207 followers


So I just took out my digital art tablet again after months of ignoring it, so this is kinda off, but here ya go (click it to see the whole thing)



@Periwinkle_ omg boi, thats so nice, i love it!! Ur style is so cute o3o

Also, here's some of my other art, thats a little older than the ones i sent before

My sassy snek boyo - yes, he's a man on high heels

A redrawn piece with Avatar, my giant softie - feminine on purpose

Snek boyo and his bf, Virion

And full pic of Rin


I broke off of singing Greatest Showman to choke and laugh at the same time.

only valid reaction


The sad thing is that at this point I could probably start a series on all the characters I've "rednecked" even though everything about it makes me vastly uncomfortable