forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@Starfast group

I've had art block like all year and haven't done a ton of art this year, but here's some fanart of Lucy Gray from A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes that I finished kinda recently.

@Tidermelon group

You don’t have to! All art is welcome on here, as far as I’m aware. It’s nice that you’re sharing your art and passions with us, even if some of us might not be in the fandom :) We’d love to see more danganronpa art!

@Starfast group

Every year I redraw the same drawing of my character, Gerard so that I can see how much I've improved over the years. Here's how this year turned out:

I don't want to post them all previous ones, because there's kind of a lot of them. If anyone wants to see them though, they're all on my tumblr here.


i havent been on notebook in a while,, everyone's art looks amazing!!
here's this little sketch of my persona


Here's a drawing I made and never uploaded (on another note, I'm freaking done with art right now. None of mine looks right in any way. eyes are huge, heads are huge, bodies are just weird-)

@Tidermelon group

Hey, that’s okay! Everyone has their own style. If you’re not happy with how your art looks, then why not practice what you think you need to fix? Practice is the only way to improve, after all. By the way, I love how you drew the hair!


It was kind of a rushed drawing for the character's birthday. Also, update: I've calmed down a lot, and my drawing that I planned on having as a goodbye actually got me to not drop art as a hobby. I'll have to post it when it's finished. Thank you, by the way.