forum Show off Your Art!!!
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Deleted user

FINALLy I'm able to post something. (URL problems and crap like that)

Sketchy thing. He's "the person who's name keeps on changing" because I can't decide a name for him, idk

@Katastrophic group

beautiful work everyone! and that gif is adorable!
Just finished another DnD character since my party walked into a very deadly trap last session, so hopefully I don't have to play her just yet, but on the other hand I really love her character and how the design turned out. Nix is a changeling (shapeshifter) warlock.


Gorgeous outfit design! Also, love the glowing staff. And the eyes. And just this character in general.
Also, thanks for saying my gif was adorable. Actually my first attempt at animation. Hoping to make some more gifs later.


Call me uncultured, but what's a Picrew? sorry guys I don't get out much I know I've heard of it somewhere but I can't remember what it is

@sock group

It's a nice website that you can design characters with

Thas cool and all, but I can't read

If you're talking about the Japanese, this is how to use it:
Once you reach the website, which is:
scroll down until you see a long pink button with Japanese words written on it, or just click on this link which will bring you to the same page:
After clicking on it, you can see multiple template options. At the bottom, the numbers indicate pages of templates.


Thanks guys! It actually is a photo, I just smudged it digitally. I wish I was talented enough to do that from scratch lol. Also, isn't she gorgeous??? Literally love her so much.