forum Site-specific suggestions
Started by @Werevampiwolf

people_alt 262 followers

@crashing_praxina group

I have an idea for a new page: a sports/games page! That way people could make up sports played in their worlds and/or individual countries in those worlds.

This would be very nice have.


I think it would be cool if there was something so you could see how many times your thread/response in a thread was seen or something. Sorta like Twitter engagements. Like how many times the thread was opened or something.

Deleted user

Can this website have a native icon loader without having to use Gravatar?

This would be a great thing! I find Gravatar kind of annoying…

Deleted user

But also, I dunno if you can do this, but can you make a document public? So that people can like read it and stuff?

@Riorlyne pets

@TiramisuGrenouille, Documents can’t be made public at the moment, but andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) has mentioned that it will be a feature in the future. To quote his post about Documents here (emphasis mine):

Some features on the V2 agenda, in no particular order:

  • Inline image uploads for documents
  • Reordering documents in your Documents list / searching for documents
  • Sharing functionality (I'd like to allow users to change the document's privacy like any other notebook page)
  • Being able to link documents to universes just like other pages

Deleted user

I love this site so much and it has help me organize so much of my writing. My one suggestion is maybe expanding the world-building prompts feature. Like adding in the ability to refine which parts of your work you want to be prompted about and allowing for more prompts to be responded to at once. Also maybe also an in-site refresh button for the prompts so you don't have to refresh the whole page in order to get a new one? Thank you for working so hard to improve and expand this site, can't wait for whatever comes next!

Deleted user

Hey quick little thing, When I am on notebook via my phone it is a little inconvienent to navigate the forums. I was wondering if there was a way to make a little tab that shows which threads ur following and which ones you've posted to in the past, and basically your general history on the threads… I just think this would be very useful…

@crashing_praxina group

I love this site so much and it has help me organize so much of my writing. My one suggestion is maybe expanding the world-building prompts feature. Like adding in the ability to refine which parts of your work you want to be prompted about and allowing for more prompts to be responded to at once. Also maybe also an in-site refresh button for the prompts so you don't have to refresh the whole page in order to get a new one? Thank you for working so hard to improve and expand this site, can't wait for whatever comes next!

I second this

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I read and catalog each and every one of them and I'm working my way through everything as fast as I can.

Just a heads up on a recurring suggestion: you can now delete your own threads on the forums. Please note there is no un-deleting threads, and you can delete them even if other people have responded. Only the person who created a thread is able to delete that thread. Enjoy! :)

Deleted user

That’s so cool! Thank you so much andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) :3

Deleted user

Would still like a Video game discussion page… just saying… oof sorry


Thank you everyone for your suggestions. I read and catalog each and every one of them and I'm working my way through everything as fast as I can.

Just a heads up on a recurring suggestion: you can now delete your own threads on the forums. Please note there is no un-deleting threads, and you can delete them even if other people have responded. Only the person who created a thread is able to delete that thread. Enjoy! :)

Thank you. No more ignores


Hi, I just thought of something!!!
So I go on long car rides and planes sometimes and I can't access from any devices because I don't have any internet connection during that time. So I was thinking, what if you made the option to download certain characters, universes, etc. to the device that the user is using at the time? That way, we can still make characters and reference them when we don't have access to the internet. It could even be a premium thing!


I get planes, but if it's a car ride then why not use a little data? (sparingly of course)

Well, for me, I live in an area where there is hardly any data, and my plan isn't great (and right now I don't even have a phone, but even if I did, notebook doesn't work well on it, even with wifi).


@SaltyChistmasCookie You can download various page categories as an excel file (i.e. characters, countries, etc.). I did this and then I uploaded them to a google drive so I can use them on the go, but since you don't have access to internet while on the road, you could download a Microsoft excel app and use it that way?