forum Site-specific suggestions
Started by @Werevampiwolf

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@halfging3r Chihuahua Mom

It would be nice to have 'folders' of sorts for our characters so that we could put all of the secondary ones together, and the mains in a folder, and villains, etc.

YES! I have a ton of characters in one of my worlds, and not all of them are involved in the same story. Folders would be nice, although it might also be nice to just categorize them with tags so that you can filter them as needed. Like, by role, family, alignment, story, age, magic/powers/abilities, etc. Maybe locations and timelines if we get a map or timeline-maker feature.

Actually, it would be handy to have that feature in every page type, not just characters. Filter towns by country, deities by religion, buildings by town or type, creatures and floras by their classifications or habitats, technology by its type/function, etc. As worlds grow, the list of pages gets longer, and it takes longer to find the page you're looking for, and scrolling for ages can get annoying. Being able to categorize pages further than just basic page type would be very nice.

@halfging3r Chihuahua Mom

Oh, and lastly, some things that may have been mentioned before, but I can't recall: First, it would be handy to be able to reply to comments directly on the forums (especially this one) so it doesn't become a chain of comments quoting each other. Also, it'd be nice to have a way to look back at all our previous comments.

Anyway, I think that's all I've got right now. Really, though, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), this website is awesome, and very useful! You're doing a great job! Keep up the good work!

@crashing_praxina group

It would be nice to have 'folders' of sorts for our characters so that we could put all of the secondary ones together, and the mains in a folder, and villains, etc.

YES! I have a ton of characters in one of my worlds, and not all of them are involved in the same story. Folders would be nice, although it might also be nice to just categorize them with tags so that you can filter them as needed. Like, by role, family, alignment, story, age, magic/powers/abilities, etc. Maybe locations and timelines if we get a map or timeline-maker feature.

YEEEEEEESSSSSS! Best idea yet! This would make it soooooo much easier me and many others! I have over 60 characters in one world and sorting them would be a BIG help!

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Yes, it is fine, but when I'm on my phone, I can't access them like I can access all of my other universe and character and other pages. It's in a portrait orientation, and I can't just change it (because my phone is a bit different.)

I can’t access Discussions OR Documents on my phone, so I don’t think moving Documents to back under Discussions solves anything. What we need is something like a widget for it like we have for all the other page types on the home page.

Well, I can access discussions, but only sometimes or only when I get unread discussions.

What we need is a mobile app, specifically designed around the website. Whatever platform andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s using to host the site, it seems like its only way of "formatting" the site for a smaller screen is to just squish things together, which makes it harder to use everything, and practically impossible to use some things.

Honestly, I'd be willing to help him out in coming up with a design/layout for one if he needed it, but I'm not a trained software/web designer or anything. I just draw a lot, really, and I've used enough mobile writing/social media apps to at least notice a pattern in their layouts.

While I do agree that an app would be extremly beneficial to all of us, I must also point out that creating an app takes not only a lot of time, but money as well. Notebook is still growing and developing, in its infancy to say. To help put things into perspective I did a little research. The following is a link to site that should show you just how expensive it is to create an app;

That said, @andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) is most likely letting his baby grow, yet having the idea for an app in mind for sometime down the road. The cost for an app can go to explain whatever the currant price for premium is (I don't know because I haven't checked), not to mention whatever it costs to run a website as well. Just thought that it was time that this be said, but hopefully, sometime in the future, we'll see that app that we've been asking for. I have a felling that andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) was just trying to be polite by not bringing this up.

@halfging3r Chihuahua Mom

Yes, it is fine, but when I'm on my phone, I can't access them like I can access all of my other universe and character and other pages. It's in a portrait orientation, and I can't just change it (because my phone is a bit different.)

I can’t access Discussions OR Documents on my phone, so I don’t think moving Documents to back under Discussions solves anything. What we need is something like a widget for it like we have for all the other page types on the home page.

Well, I can access discussions, but only sometimes or only when I get unread discussions.

What we need is a mobile app, specifically designed around the website. Whatever platform andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s using to host the site, it seems like its only way of "formatting" the site for a smaller screen is to just squish things together, which makes it harder to use everything, and practically impossible to use some things.

Honestly, I'd be willing to help him out in coming up with a design/layout for one if he needed it, but I'm not a trained software/web designer or anything. I just draw a lot, really, and I've used enough mobile writing/social media apps to at least notice a pattern in their layouts.

While I do agree that an app would be extremly beneficial to all of us, I must also point out that creating an app takes not only a lot of time, but money as well. Notebook is still growing and developing, in its infancy to say. To help put things into perspective I did a little research. The following is a link to site that should show you just how expensive it is to create an app;

That said, @andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) is most likely letting his baby grow, yet having the idea for an app in mind for sometime down the road. The cost for an app can go to explain whatever the currant price for premium is (I don't know because I haven't checked), not to mention whatever it costs to run a website as well. Just thought that it was time that this be said, but hopefully, sometime in the future, we'll see that app that we've been asking for. I have a felling that andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) was just trying to be polite by not bringing this up.

Oh, wow. I didn't realize building an app could be so expensive. Thank you for sharing that, it really does put things into perspective.


I have a couple suggestions for features that I think would really help myself and other writers on this platform! ^^

  • A 'project' feature, so you could make a project page, and group the other page types under the project, so the side-bar would be a bit neater and the user could have easier access to projects. (Maybe this would be limited to one project for non-premium members)

  • A timeline feature, this is kind of piggybacking off the scenes page or even the new documents, but basically making a list of things that you know will happen in your story, and being able to re-order them, link pages to them and take notes or even write the bits themselves!

That's all I have for now, thanks for reading~! ^^

Deleted user

(That does sound nice for projects and a time line :) )

But some kind of thing I noticed was that every time we wanted to add someone into a private inbox chat (my friends and I all use this) we had to start four or five different private chats just to add people…
It'd be nice (if it's not already possible) to just be able to add people to private message chats instead of creating a whole new one.

Deleted user

Speaking of PMs, this suggestion also includes public threads, I’d like to delete or unfollow my PMs. I have so many, even if the site is running fast, it lags to get on the private chats.

@HighPockets group

Speaking of PMs, this suggestion also includes public threads, I’d like to delete or unfollow my PMs. I have so many, even if the site is running fast, it lags to get on the private chats.

Going off of this, maybe have something barring a certain amount of pages in a chat (but only if it starts to lag every time you open it)

Deleted user

I would say delete dead rps, but some people like to reboot or revive them
Yet another thread could do that while getting rid of the old one 'cleans' the rp forums a little if you understand my gist


Perhaps a section of the forums that gets cleared out every week or so? So if you have any old, dead threads you can move them to the 'Delete' section to be disposed of?


I have an idea for a new page: a sports/games page! That way people could make up sports played in their worlds and/or individual countries in those worlds.

@halfging3r Chihuahua Mom

I have an idea for a new page: a sports/games page! That way people could make up sports played in their worlds and/or individual countries in those worlds.

I really like this idea! Maybe extend it to include fighting/martial arts forms, too. I know I want to make a few forms of martial arts for other races (centaurs, primarily, but I'd also like to do some aerial forms for my winged races, and perhaps something for the naga), but I'd have no idea where to start. Having a physical activities page would be very useful!

Deleted user

I agree with phisical activity pages! :) I would provide something, but my brain’s kinda on the dead side….

Deleted user

Finally have an off topic page for Anime, Manga and Video games please?

Deleted user

I could get behind that… :) but doesn’t that kinda go under like tv shows movies and books kinda?
But we do need one for videogames.

Deleted user

No, anime is completely different from regular TV shows even though it airs on TV. Manga isn’t books, they are more like comics. And video games are probably the best one to have here!

Deleted user

I mean bottom line, manga are japanese comics, which are books…. I’m unsure how to explain anime, really….
But videogames…. yas.

@halfging3r Chihuahua Mom

It could, but Anime/Manga is such a vast topic on its own, it really should have its own forum page, especially since I'm sure there are many people who aren't that into it on the other page. It would keep the regular movies/TV shows/books page clean.

Deleted user

Yeah. Video games could be something I could get behind. We don’t have anything for it. Then I can obsess over video games without spoilers. I think…

Deleted user

Should we ask andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) about it? I really want one of those… it would be really cool to have one!