@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
@Froosty-Snawmn tempts or jump right in?
@Froosty-Snawmn tempts or jump right in?
whichever you prefer I guess lol
If we do templates, maybe a simple one
We doing gay?
Already dating or not yet?
I'm thinking gay, and I'm thinking already dating, and it's the first time the human is spending the night on a full moon?
And I'll grab a really simple one
Name: Larkin Tyler
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: The big gay
Personality: He's very charismatic and he's trying his best, even if he's not the brightest. He loves cuddles and gentle head paps and he always seems to be eating something (especially meat)
Appearance: Larkin is very small for a werewolf and stands at about 5'5. He has fluffy, disheveled brunette hair, blue eyes, and freckles. His features are somewhat sharp and he has a lean, muscular build. He exercises a lot to burn off energy.
Wolf Appearance: His wolf form is below average size as well, and his fur color matches his hair color. His eyes are the same and he's very fluffy. Always seems to be very excited
Backstory: Larkin was born on the streets to a single mother, who ended up abandoning him when he was bitten at the age of seven. He tried his best to survive until he was old enough to get a job and a place to live. He probably lives with your character at the moment because roommates to lovers trope is yes
Other: He's a sucker for candy (pun intended). And bacon. And candied bacon. Also not a big fan of cars or loud noises. He's basically a living furnace ngl. Good for cuddles.
Name: Samul Rown
Age: 19
Gender: male
Sexuality: pretty freagging gay
Personality: Samul enjoys peace and quiet, often preferring to be sitting on the couch/bed reading than going to any social events. He loves to sing, and has a beautiful voice, but he's shy about it, and usually the only time one can catch him singing is in the shower. He loves to cuddle, but he's not one to initiate it, and will blush aggressively when someone does it to him. All in all, vvy soft and vvy quiet.
Appearance: Samul is tall, about six foot, because soft tol and energetic smol is my jam. He has scruffy jet black hair and green eyes, and a very faint tan. He's skinny without much muscle to him, from his habits of staying inside and reading.
Backstory: Samul was raised in a simple home, with his two mothers and baby sister. He was his Mama's biological son, and his sister was adopted a couple months after he turned ten. They aren't well off, but Samul and his mothers work hard to support the family together. Samual moved out at seventeen, and has been paying for his own needs and giving money to his family with his two jobs. He's also going to college on scholarships, which adds to his work load. He's a very tired man.
Other: He loves to cook and bake, and has a puppy named Jackson.
I love himmm
Do you want to go ahead and start?
(yeee, I love Larkin too)
Samul hummed faintly to himself, picking up his room. He had his door open, the radio on his shelf playing romance songs. Falling in love, the, um- things people did when they were in love, heartbreak, he loved it all. The second one made him blush madly whenever those songs played, of course. He hummed faintly along, brushing his bangs out of his eyes. He looked up, sighing a bit.
"Hey, Larkin," he called out, stepping to the door. "Think I should make some lunch, or do you have it today?"
"You can make something! I'm starving…" Larkin whined, sprawled across the length of the couch. He was always especially hungry the night of a full moon, and always craving meat. Even though he eaten just an hour ago, he was already hungry again. He was already feeling a little different. His teeth were a little sharper, his pupils had constricted, and his hair was especially disheveled. "Something with meat, preferably. But honestly, I'll eat anything…"
(just eaten an hour ago and already hungry, sounds like my brother XD)
Samul nodded a bit, heading to the kitchen. He couldn't always afford the best meats, but he managed. After all, he liked it too.
"How do hamburgers sound?" They were premade, done in ten minutes in a skillet, but they didn't shrink and were pretty big.
"And how many do you want?"
(Mine too lol)
"Sounds good to me! And as many as you'll give me!" Larkin rolled over on the couch and whined again, burying his face in the cushions. "Then can we cuddle or something? You've been gone for ages and you left me here all by my lonesome…" Larkin never worked on the day of the full moon. Mostly because of how he got more wolfish before the moon even rose.
Samul set about setting three burgers in the skillet. He seasoned them, setting a lid on for them to cook. He blushed furiously when Larkin brought up cuddling.
"A-alright then, we can cuddle. And you know why I had to be gone for so long." He'd had classes and work, so he was tired. He flipped the burgers when the juices were leaking out, setting the lid back on.
"Buns or no buns?" He asked.
"Mmmmm… buns. More food. More… uh… you know. I'm hungry and I'm feral and I'm stupid and I just want some food." Larkin stuck his tongue out a bit and poked his head up over the back of the couch, his tail wagging and his ears lopsided. "I'm a shit cook and I've been here alone all day… I've still been eating, of course, but it's nowhere near as good as your cooking."
"You're not stupid," Samul said in turn. He looked over his shoulder at Larkin over the wrap around counter. He blushed a bit again.
"But I'm glad you like my cooking." Samul finished with the three burgers, putting them onto buns. He carried them over on a plate for Larkin, putting just one on the skillet for himself.
"Here," he said, handing the plate over and patting Larkin's head lightly.
Larkin whined happily at the petting and accepted the plate from Samul. "I really do, love! Thanks!" He started to eagerly scarf down the burgers, his sharp teeth easily tearing through the meat. "Mmmm~… where did you learn to cook so good?" He asked, his mouth still very full of burger.
"My mama always made sure we had good food to eat," Samul said, smiling a bit. Even if it wasn't much. He hugged Larkin, going to finish up cooking his own food. He sat down next to Larkin, smiling a bit.
"Mm… my mom tried to get us food from the market sometimes. I'm pretty sure she stole it, though…" Larkin crawled into Samul's lap and cuddled close to him while he ate, swiftly finishing his third burger and licking his lips a bit.
Samul blushed deeply when Larkin crawled into his lap, even after how often they end up doing it. He wrapped his arms around him, eating a bit more slowly.
"Ah," he said softly. He'd heard a bit about Larkin's past, of course. He smiled a bit when he saw Larkin was done already.
"Should I make more, or would you prefer dessert? I could make bacon~" Samul smiled softly.
Larkin's ears pricked up when he heard the word 'bacon' and he looked up at Samul, nodding eagerly. "Yeah! I want bacon!" He sat up so he could kiss Samul's cheek, his tail wagging madly behind him. He wrapped his arms around the other's neck and began whimpering happily.
Samul put his plate down, wrapping his arms securely around Larkin's waist. He kissed Larkin's cheek in turn, scratching behind the werewolf's ears. He smiled brightly.
"I need to get up to be able to make it!" He said, laughing lightly. "Shall we go together then?"
"Yeah! Carry me!" Larkin leaned into the petting with a happy whine, his tail still wagging. "I'm pretty small. I bet you could do it~" He kissed Samul again, grinning brightly. "You're pretty strong, after all. Don't you think?"
"I can try," Samul said. He pushed himself up, holding Larkin close to himself. He kissed Larkin's cheek again, humming softly as he walked to the kitchen. He slipped his hand up Larkin's shirt, lightly scratching his back.
Larkin arched his back a bit up against the sensation, grinning brightly. His tail wagged even harder and he buried his face in Samul's shoulder. "Mmmmm~… I love you so much, Samul…" He whispered. "You're the best."
"I love you too," Samul said, grinning. He pulled the bacon out, pulling half of the slices off for Larkin. He turned the griddle on, setting the slices out.
"Mm, you're going to be getting a lot of bacon," he cooed softly.
"And I'm going to be making cookies and dog biscuits later."
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