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forum throw me your favorite random vocab words
Started by @larcenistarsonist group

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@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

apparently the word Petrichor wasn't drilled into everyone's brains when they were a child! i thought everyone knew abt this word !!
anyway Petrichor is the smell of rain, or like, the smell after rain, smth like that


Petrichor sounds like a perfume. I would love to bottle the scent of petrichor

A Welsh word that is closest translated to being "farsickness". It is the homesickness or longing for a home that was never yours or never existed

I love the word so much, the song Runaway by Aurora makes me feel that way everytime I listen to it.

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

A Welsh word that is closest translated to being "farsickness". It is the homesickness or longing for a home that was never yours or never existed

that's it that's the high that I've been chasing for ten years holy hell


I feel the same way when I wake up in the morning. That maybe this time, I might be in a different place.

I- I thought that was just a me thing-

@Katastrophic group

Came across a nice one today,
Antimony: a metalloid commonly found in makeup and kohl. It can also be used to describe a very dark black color.

Deleted user

Today I learned the word myrmidon

  1. noun, (capitalized) : a member of a legendary Thessalian people who accompanied their king Achilles in the Trojan War
  2. noun, (lowercased) a loyal follower, especially a subordinate who executes orders unquestioningly or unscrupulousl

Apparently the word history also has to do with legends of giant ant-people?

Deleted user

Floccinaucinihilipilification (noun):
the estimation of something as valueless.
I also rather like sesquipedalian:
A long word.
Given to or characterized by the use of long words.
Long and ponderous; polysyllabic.

Deleted user

froward (adj.) habitually rebellious
jayus (n.) a joke so bad its funny. There's a squiggly red line underneath it so I guess this website thinks I'm a liar.
scintillate (v.) to emit sparkles. This is my favorite because it an sound very threatening.
paracosm: (n.) an imaginary world, also has a red squiggly line.
I have a lot more if you want them.

@dennywrites group

Taradiddle. something that is snob-nosed nonsense or a lie. the best example is the classic 'the fish was disssssssssssss beeg!' fisherman trope. usually they exaggerate, especially if they didn't keep le fish.

Snickersnee. A long/dangerous knife. hehehehehehsnickerheh