"Rawr, I'm a terrifying werewolf-" "Carl you literally chased your own tail for three hours, you're not fooling anyone." / OxO / open!
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((I'd be interested!))

(I know we've got two roleplays already but I'd totally be down to play a dumb werewolf lol)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
(Ah, @metaphoricallyella I'd be totally down to rp with you! Templates?)
(Oof, I'm always down for more rps with you @Froosty-Snawmn lol)
Deleted user
((Sure! And templates work for me. I can get my charrie up in a few hours, but I've got a doctor's appointment soon))

(Lmao sounds good. Should we do another public thread or a pm?)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
(I'm thinking public. I'll tag you?)

(Sounds good to me!)
Deleted user
((What gender would you prefer my character to be?))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
(I'm good with any! I lean towards male, but they can be whatever you would like!)
Deleted user
((Okay! I'll get to work on him. I tend to work better with males anyways))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
(I'll get mine up probably after yours, I work better knowing what character I'm trying to pair with)
Deleted user
Deleted user
((Terribly sorry about the account deletion! Yesterday just wasn't a good day for me, but I promise it won't happen again. I'll get back to work on him!))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
(Aaa, okie! Don't worry, I understand!)
Deleted user
“Seriously? You got slobber on my shoes again.”
Name: Kace Jason Lauermann
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: the gayest
DOB: November 3rd
Star sign: Scorpio
Species: Human
“You wanna play with the ball??”
Dress style:
Personality: Kace is a fun loving guy. He likes to mess around and is pretty laid back when it comes down to it. However, if you’re wrong about something, he’ll call you out for it. He’s a really big dog person and loves getting into random trouble. Generally, he loves to workout as well and tries to keep himself up to a certain level of fitness. Kace is almost the stereotypical college frat boy, besides the fact that he tends to have more common sense than that.
“Do I need to get the spray bottle??”
Favorite song: Dig by Incubus
-Hard to Explain by The Strokes
-Sunflower by Post Malone
-Californiacation by Red Hot Chile Peppers
-19-2000 by Gorillaz
-Walk by Foo Fighters
Favorite lyrics/lyrics that most describe him: “If I turn into another, dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me. Sing this song, remind me that we’ll always have each other when everything else is gone.”
“Not again…. Dude, I just bought that couch…”
Likes: dogs, sunshine, nice people, the supernatural, and working out.
Dislikes: rude people, broccoli, the sight of blood, and vampires.
Favorite food and drink: steak and sweet tea
Favorite color: light green
Favorite movie: The Shining
Hobbies: taking walks at any time of night or day, working out, playing with dogs, climbing things, and watching horror movies.
“I love you, you mangy mutt!”
Other: Kace generally avoids reading, but will if he has to. He also can’t sing for his life.
Author’s note: This is going to be interesting…
“Bye bro!”
Deleted user
((Done! You don't have to make yours that long XD))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Name: Marco Dawson
Nicknames: Marc, Mar
Age: 20
DOB: September 2
Gender: demi male, he/them
Sexuality: bi
Race: werewolf
- Eyes: Deep charcoal grey
- Hair: Fluffy black hair, swept to the left and constantly getting in his eyes
- Face: sharp, with a slightly large nose
- Body: Lean muscle, with larger shoulders
- Height: He's tol, a very solid 6'5"
- General weight: about 200 lbs.
- Typical Cloths: Plain t-shirts and nicer jeans, usually with some sort of design on the front. Sneakers.
- Work clothes: A form fitting white shirt, with blue jeans. Boots.
- relaxing cloths: Sweatshirts and sweatpants all the way. No shoes.
- Distinguishing Marks: His canine's are more defined, and he has a few small scars on his face
Personality: Marc, despite his appearances, is a complete goofball. He smiles all the time, and he loves to play. He's a bit snuggler, too, both in human and wolf form. He's also a good singer, and isn't afraid to show off. He's energetic, always moving in some way.
Background: Marc grew up in a loving family, with a mother and father with a little sister. When he was bit, however, at the age of sixteen, he left of his own accord, afraid he would hurt them. Of course, he's realized he still has control over himself, mostly, and is just a loveable goodball when in wolf form.
Likes: snuggles, hot cocoa, chocolate in general
Dislikes: being left alone
Strengths: he's physically strong, even if he isn't the brightest.
Weaknesses: clingy as all hell
Fears: being abandoned, punishments, making people feel bad
Pets: n/a
Powers: he can shift at will, but is forced to when it is the full moon.
Deleted user
((I LOVE HIM!!))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
(So, would you want to start with or without them already in a relationship?)
Deleted user
((Yeah, I think it makes the most sense that way. How long have they been dating?))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
(I'm thinking a month or two? Enough so that Kace has seen Mar shift once)
Deleted user
((Okay! Sounds good. Want to start?))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
(Sure! I'll get it up in a bit!)
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