forum Percy Jackson RP ((open//small group?))

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@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Name: Cleonia Noble
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Open to Shipping: yes
Child of (Greek Parent): Apollo
Appearance: Slender with tan skin. Small as she is only 5 ft. She has green eyes and long golden brown hair.
Personality: She is very sweet and loyal. Cleonia is sometimes naive to other people especially if they don't mean her well. She wants to believe the best in everyone. Cleonia can be free-spirited and mischievous when hanging out with friends.
Powers: Has a very pretty singing voice that can sometimes influence others. She isn't the best with a bow and arrow but is better than average. Cleonia is able to sometimes control the heat around her but it takes a lot of her energy. She is a good healer.


(Ohhhh man. I have done a couple PJO rps before so I am interested. Uh, is there a limit on how many ocs we can have? Or is it just one character per person?)


Name: Dove Sokolov
Age: 15
Gender: female
Sexuality: ace-spec
Open to Shipping: queerplatonic ships only
Child of (Greek Parent): Apollo
Appearance: she has albinism, so she’s got pure white wavy hair in a short bob, milky skin, and pale periwinkle eyes. 5’1 and has a soft, pear-shaped body.
Personality: an idealist, calm and reserved on the outside, passionate on the inside. Driven by her morality, and often drifts into deep thought. Quiet and introverted. Intelligent, but sometimes impractical. Ironically not a morning person. She is quiet, content with listening and observing more than speaking. However, she has difficulty following verbal instructions and forgets things easily. She’s also very sensitive and empathetic, and tends to value others’ needs above her own.
Powers: can both heal and cause illness. Her healing abilities are much easier to control than her illness abilities, which are heavily influenced by her emotional state. If she is in a bad mood or generally feeling negative emotions, it can cause the living things around her to become plagued by sickness; a feeling of nausea, headache, a sudden cold, etc in humans for example. If her emotions are raw and powerful enough, she can cause plants to die and animals and people to become extremely ill. The effects of this ability can be reduced if the affected person/animal is a far enough distance away (about 30-35 ft), and/or if Dove consciously tries to enter a more stable emotional state.
Other: because she has albinism, she has photophobia, nystagmus, and nearsightedness. She also has autism but hasn’t been diagnosed

Name: Ash
Age: 15 biologically, 30 chronologically
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Open to Shipping: sure
Child of (Greek Parent): he is a satyr, his father was also a satyr and his mother was a naiad
Appearance: He’s about 5’6 with a lean build. His skin is fair with freckles and a few small scars. He has dimples and pointed ears, his eyes are green with rectangular pupils, like a goats. His hair is curly and black, partly covering small horns on his head. His legs are covered in black fur, with cloven hooves at the end. He also has a small tail.
Personality: Ash is kind of a combination of a mom friend and an older brother type. He’s very calm, mature for his age, and likes to take care of people. He’s solidly ambiverted and gets along with most creatures while also respecting the times when he wants to be alone. He’s observant, adept in catching small details. However, despite his calm nature he is also a bi disaster and wishes he had just one person who would be with him forever, pining over this nymph or that demigod every now and again. He also sometimes gives unsolicited advice, or gives the wrong advice that doesn’t necessarily work for the person he’s trying to help. Additionally, sometimes he gets so caught up in helping others that he forgets about himself and gets burned out. Ash also tends to hold grudges.
Powers: he has some degree of control over nature whenever he plays his reed pipes, such as calling to animals, control over plants’ growth or health, etc
Other: he found Dove and brought her to camp, and they are besties


Name: Georgina Ross
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual/Panromantic
Open to Shipping: Ye
Child of (Greek Parent): Apollo
Appearance: Standing at 5'4 with a round bodyshape(I've also seen it referred to as apple shaped?), Georgie has a darker skin tone, and amber eyes. She has shoulder length, curly dark brown hair that's been dyed/bleached blonde at the bottom.
Personality: Georgina's a bit of the big sister type, especially when it comes to the younger campers. Checking up on them, letting them know they can come to her if they need someone to talk to. It's not very surprising, given that she grew up with five younger step-siblings. She's a hard worker, and isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, often being found gardening with the Demeter kids. She's very much a people person, but everyone needs some time to themselves every now and then. If someone wants to find her, the stables would be a good place to check. She's always loved horses, and finds that combing the pegasi's manes and talking to them, even if she can't understand them, is relaxing for her.
Powers: The palms of her hands can glow, and she can control the brightness to a certain extent, ranging from nightlight to flashlight in terms of how much light she can give off.
Other: Uses her hands as a nightlight for Apollo campers who are scared of the dark.


(I've only read the first Percy Jackson series, but would it be alright if I joined?)

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(Could I join this?)