forum Percy Jackson RP ((open//small group?))
Started by @padfoot_loves_his_moony group

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@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Cleonia was too shocked to say anything so she blushed and nodded. Eventually when she found her voice, she looked up at him, "I would like that…a lot. Thanks for that."
She had never heard it worded like that. True Apollo had said something like that but it's was in haikus form. When they got to the forge she smiled up at him, "What are you building?"


He sit across from her and eats quietly. Charlie doesn't eat much, as he never does and talks quietly to her. "So you're a kid of Apollo…do you the archery side or more of the healing powers?"

Dove gathered what she wanted, which was just an orange smoothie and toast with jam. “Yeah…?” She wasn’t sure why they were talking about this. “I’m more on the healing side, you could say.” She wasn’t going to mention the plague aspect of it, though.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He noticed she was blushing and looked away, he was worried about getting feelings for her if he looked at her while she was blushing. He knew that she was already attractive, and he didn't need any extra incentive.
He did smile back at her when she smiled up at him though, he still cared about her.
"I'm just making weapons. Nothing too big or exciting at the moment.' he chuckled softly.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Cleonia nodded and when they got to the forge she hopped up on a work table where there was some space. Not that there was much. She smiled at him, "Hey, I need a new spear if you have any time…the Ares kids gave me one of there's but it's so awkward to hold. I'm thinking one that's deadly but small." She giggled, "Kinda like me. Ooh! Maybe it could be retracted into a straw or something to easily disguse it?"
Cleonia looked up at Wynn and blushed, "Sorry, I get carried away sometimes."

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Wynn couldn't help but smile at her, I mean he was happy with her friendship and everything but gosh did her blushing make her attractive. He chuckled softly, "I'm sure I could think of something to disguise it as. Any suggestions on what metal it's made out of? Any special features you might want?" He smiled at her as she blushed.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Cleonia stuck her tongue out a tiny bit and bit it while she was thinking. It was a habit of hers. She finally looked up at him and asked, "Celestrial bronze….and surprise me. I like surprises." She couldn't help looking at him while he wandered around the forge. He wasn't the strongest but he still had muscles. No doubt from working in the forge. And she wanted to run her hands through his back hair. She was staring at him but couldn't stop.


Charlie nodded, she was so different from him. She could help life while he could destroy it. Charlie was afraid of the difference but he could tell Dove was worth it. "That's nice…."

“So, who’s your godly parent?” She asked. She sipped her smoothie.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Cleonia stuck her tongue out a tiny bit and bit it while she was thinking. It was a habit of hers. She finally looked up at him and asked, "Celestrial bronze….and surprise me. I like surprises." She couldn't help looking at him while he wandered around the forge. He wasn't the strongest but he still had muscles. No doubt from working in the forge. And she wanted to run her hands through his back hair. She was staring at him but couldn't stop.

He felt her gaze on him the whole time he was walking through the forge, and he knew that others in the forge noticed it as well. He would probably get teased about her later, he felt a small blush on his face from all the attention.
"Celestial bronze huh? Any reason why that metal specifically?' He spoked back in response. He had to say something.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Cleonia jumped a little and blushed, "I don't want to accidentally hurt mortals when I fight. Plus it will hurt monsters…. and any demigods if it comes to it."
When he came close to her, she pulled him closer, "I….really want to kiss you…" She blushed and looked away.


Charlie rushed to say, "Nothing bad! It's just most Apollo kids are talkative and extroverted. You are…not."

“Oh.” She laughed nervously. “Um, yeah. Sometimes my siblings call me ‘moon child’ because I’m more like Artemis than Apollo. The sun can even be bad for me if I’m outside for too long, so everyone thinks I’m weird.” She looked down at her food.


Name: Alexander Michael
Gender: male
Sexuality: gay
Open to Shipping: of course
Child of (Greek Parent): Athena
Appearance:(5'11) tanned skin dark hair and well muscled
Personality: mistaken as a son of Ares for how headstrong he is, great with a spear
Powers: intelligent like his mother.