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forum Percy Jackson RP ((open//small group?))

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@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Cleonia jumped a little and blushed, "I don't want to accidentally hurt mortals when I fight. Plus it will hurt monsters…. and any demigods if it comes to it."
When he came close to her, she pulled him closer, "I….really want to kiss you…" She blushed and looked away.

"well, that's very kind of you to think of others." He spoke, thinking of other campers who just wanted something dangerous and didn't care if it hurts mortals, and had no sense of safety for those they were supposed to be on a team with.
He blushed bright red as he was pulled closer, and he just kinda bent over to her.
"…Cleo…there are other people here.." he spoke softly, whispering. He looked away from her as he blushed.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Cleonia looked disappointed but nodded, "I know…I just…" She realized that eyes were on her and let Wynn go. "I'm sorry. It's just you look at me without fear or judgment. I really like that."
Cleonia looked up at him and blushed, "Plus you're cute."


alexander was chatting with his siblings and he looked over at the other cabin tables to start planning and he watched the ares kids planning for capture the flag that's gonna happen in a few days and he got distracted and continued to chat with his siblings


Charlie hesitated but smiled softly at her, "I like weird. Weird means interesting. And if it helps, I'm that too. Weird at least." He chuckled.

“I mean, yeah, I like hanging out with people who are also weird.” She shrugged, rubbing the back of her neck. She finished eating, but was still working on the smoothie.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Charlie laughed softly, "Well good thing I'm weird." He itched his arm, "And you are one of a kind." Charlie tilted his head at Dove, "What are you doing after breakfast?"


"what to do.." alex mumbled as he was bored having nothing to do at the moment he glanced around looking for someone to chat to or someone to train with


Charlie laughed softly, "Well good thing I'm weird." He itched his arm, "And you are one of a kind." Charlie tilted his head at Dove, "What are you doing after breakfast?"

“I was going to go find a friend… um, he’s the satyr who brought me here. We’ll probably just hang out for a while.”


he glanced around once more before getting up walked towards the arena for training grabbing a spear and shield trained using the shield as a weapon as well as the spear taking the dummys head off with a spear jab piercing the head ripping it off "this is all that can be done besides capture the flag chores and the climbing tower at least until I get a quest.."