@imJUSTasillylittleguy group
@RainyDayArtist this is it
@RainyDayArtist this is it
Akira sighed at the loud music blaring through the entire as he questioned why he even decided to show up, he wasn't that much of a talker was introverted and didn't even know anyone.
He managed to make his way towards the back of the house where the music was much quieter, he found a staircase and followed it up finding a moonlight room with a balcony, a cat outside on the balcony.
He walked over to the doors and opened them carefully not to scare the cat, before approaching slowly and petting the cat. He smiled slightly, okay so he had one friend at this party. The cats attention turned towards his hoodie strings when he leaned over and he let the cat play with them.
A smirk-like grin was spread across Savanna's face as she walked through the middle of the room, basking in the attention of on-lookers. With purpose she walked, brushing past a group without a second glance. Wherever she was going, she showed confidence that she knew where it was, despite never have been to this place before.
Moments before she had seen a boy— or so she assumed— disappear up a flight of stairs near the back. Whoever they were, she was immediately intrigued. Either she could make a lover out of him, or a hater. Whichever way it went, she'd have gained something. For better or for worse.
As she walked up the stairs, her heels echoing, she started fidgeting with one of the rings on her fingers. Despite wearing them all the time, the sound of her shoes always made her anxious— for reasons unknown to most people. But she kept walking despite the sound echoing through her head. The quicker she was, the better. The thought of finding that quiet person helped give her a little more motivation as she ambled down the hall. She didn't want to scare them off.
Hesitantly, she made her way out on the balcony, a little smile pulling up as she saw them. They were playing with a cat— whether it was their's or not, she didn't know. But they seemed plenty happy.
"Excuse me?" She called softly, quickly adjusting anything before approaching any closer.
He heard the clicking of her heels before she even got into sight from the balcony. great someone coming, he sighed letting the cat play before giving soft pets.
"Looks like we have company," he murmured before she walked out onto the balcony, he looked up at her as she started to speak, before just looking back to the cat. He'd seen cats prettier than her so he wasn't much drawn in by her looks, if anything her looks gave parts about her he didn't even have to guess about. Like she was probably popular, she most likely was strong-headed from the way she held herself but the ring twisting gave off her nerves.
"Yes?" was all he deemed to respond, seeing how she would react.
(I'm really sorry, my motivation has been really down. And I've been kinda busy…)
Savanna started to relax, taking in a breath of fresh air. Carefully she approached him, tucking loose hairs out of her face.
"Sorry to bother you, I was just wondering if this was your house? You seemed to know where you were going." She spoke in a soft tone, a calm demeanor staying with her. Her gaze was hazy as she glanced between him and the sky behind him. The sun was setting behind the clouds, leaving a golden highlight in the clouds that painted over the pink and blue sky.
"I noticed you walking off on your own. I was wondering if you knew were the host was, if you did live here." She hummed still, standing a little ways away from him. Even from a distance, she could tell she was just a little bit taller than him. Thanks to her shoes, at least. They gave her a good couple inches by themselves, not considering the fact she was decently tall in the first place.
"Mm hate to break it to you but no, i don't know where the host is and no i don't live here. Is there anything else you want to ask?" he still didn't look up at her, his voice was cold bordering on harsh but not quite there yet.
he kept his attention on the cat, softly focusing on it.
maybe if he focused on the cat long enough, she would go away and he could enjoy the one good thing about this party alone under a beautiful starry sky.
"It's alright, I just thought I would ask." Savanna nodded a little as she came up to his side. She glanced down at the cat, smiling tenderly.
"That's a cute cat, is it yours?" She asked gently, seeming to ignore his other question. Her eyes bounced from the kitty he was playing with, up to his face with a curious expression on her own. Even though she felt more at peace out here, she found herself fidgeting with anything and everything that wasn't going to be too noticeable. Her ring, her sleeves, anything really.
(Sorry for not responding, been on vk.)
He didn't bother respodinging to her response, feeling her eyes on him for a while but not glancing up to meet them. That was always the first mistake he would make.
He noticed how close she got to him and got a bit uncomfortable, he didn't move though. Moving could disturb the cat, after all it wasn't really his cat.
"No. It's not." He kept his responses short, not wanting to get caught up in small talk. He knew it was only some time before she would try to get through to him, somehow.
He glanced to the side, noticing her fidgeting, though small he didn't point it it out.
He didn't want to be rude.
(It's all good. I've been really deprived the last couple weeks anyways… it's just been really bad. I swear I'll respond though.)
Savanna nodded a bit, hesitantly reaching over to pet the soft fur of the cat.
"Well, you're lucky to have found it. It seems to enjoy your company." She stated, glancing up at him before pulling her hand back. "Then again, with a handsome guy like you, who wouldn't enjoy your company?"
Gently she took her long hair and pulled it back out of her face. She was attempting to keep him engaged, not wanting him to just walk off. It would seem a waste if he didn't at least humor her. But then again, he didn't seem very humorous in general. Probably not one to play flirty games.
"I bet you have lots of friends."
Aaaand there it was, he knew she had some ulterior motive to coming to talk to him, he let out a soft sigh as he stroked the cat gently, accidentally brushing her hand but paying no mind to it.
"Yes well, i do find cats to be more manageable to be around the humans." he knew she wouldn't get the hint, it was subtle and she didn't seem to be one to get subtle hints.
not unless they were right in your face.
"Please, as if. Im the one that should be telling you that," he muttered, not paying enough attention to how that might come across.
"Your miss popular arent you? I can tell." He continued to stroke the cat, staying in place still not so much as glancing towards her.
(It's all good. I've been really deprived the last couple weeks anyways… it's just been really bad. I swear I'll respond though.)
(you okay???)
((Eh. If you had asked that a week ago, the answer would undoubtedly be no. But after yesterday, I'm doing a lot better. Tired, but that's really my own fault aha. But thank you for asking— it has just been a rough week, and year in general. But it's been like that for everyone aha-))
Savanna smiled a little when they touched, attempting not to acknowledge they had touched at all. To keep it off her mind, she continued to fiddle with her fingers as she listened to him.
"That's true, animals are normally a lot easier to get along with." The woman stated simply, glancing over to him as he continued to talk. Letting out a half hearted laugh, she glanced over to him with an amused look.
"What, are you some kind of people reader?" She joked as she leaned back against the railing. "Or am I just that obvious, to people? I really didn't think I was." Savanna admitted. She could tell he was avoiding eye contact, as he clearly wasn't looking at her. Though she didn't exactly get why, she wouldn't push the matter.
(glad your better :))
He held back a bit of a scoff at some of her comments, of course, she didn't get the hint. he literally just said she wouldn't. He continued to not make eye contact looking at the cat. "especially cats." he still responded anyway, if only not to make it awkward though it was almost a one-sided conversation at this point.
"Well i observe, i stay quiet, i watch people's ticks. plus I'm not blind." He rolled his eyes when she started going on about how not obvious she was. "Please, your as obvious as someone with poison recoil damage begging you to hit them." he muttered, "like asking someone with spiky armor asking you to punch them." he accidentally let out a bit much. he continued on as if he had barely said a word in response to what she had said.
( @HoliDayArtist hey you okay?)
(Hey- yeah, I'm alright. I've been so busy, today was actually my day to respond to all my roleplays. I'm really, really sorry for keeping you waiting.)
"Mm, is that so?" She chuckled, ignoring the comment about cats. She had no real opinion on the matter and didn't feel there was much else to discuss. So she glanced up at him as he went on with his analogies, a cocky little smirk playing at her lips.
"Well if that's the case, what am I doing here? If I'm so obvious to read." She hummed, leaning back against the railing of the balcony. She had her arms loosely resting on her hips as she gave him a raised brow. Shifting her weight to one foot, she cocked her head to one side as she studied his features. "Well?"
(It's fine!)
He huffed figuring she was chuckling at him, at how much of a nerd he revealed himself to be by using those analogies but he didn't say anything about it, he might be assuming too much, but he didn't want to give the benefit of the doubt.
He didn't look up but he could practically hear the cocky smirk on her face by the way she phrased her sentence. He rolled his eyes which wouldn't be visible to her since she was staring at the back of his head and not standing infront of him. And thank goodness she wasn't, he didn't like her being so close to his face or any of him.
"well obviously your tired of everyone liking you or falling easy to your flirts and such so you decided to find new prey, and I just happen to be the one who doesn't get woed by you just by the sight of you. Your charm won't work on me either so you might as well give up." His voice had a coldness to it.
"Darling, please. You haven't so much as looked at me. How do you know for sure I can't charm you? Especially when you won't make eye contact." Savanna retorted, speaking quickly yet smoothly. "It doesn't seem you're giving me a fair chance. Besides, you seem to know a lot about me already, I'd hope you would be smart enough to recognize the fact I don't give up easily." Her lips were pursed into a slight smirk as she glanced up and down his figure.
"At least give me the satisfaction of seeing your face." She insisted, stepping up closer. She was moving slowly, keeping herself in a relaxed position. She wasn't going to be deterred by his stubbornness. She was too stupid to let it go, and just had to get her way. No matter how childish it was.
Her gritted his teeth a little bit when she retorted, so she wouldn't leave either way hm. Then he would have to leave, he didn't want to be at this party and the cat was underfed. He would take it home and feed it and make sure it got a good home, she scooped up the cat gently as she talked, still facing away from her.
He sighed as she finished her last sentence feeling her get closer, he stood up with the cat in his arms. Giving what she wanted would only make things worse, even tho he had the opportunity he decided against it. If she really wanted to see his face she would have to try harder.
"Well too bad I don't like giving satisfaction to someone who already has potentially everyone groveling for them." He remarked heading inside from the balcony.
"Tad bit overdramatic, don't you think?" Savanna snorted, turning around to lean in the doorway. She watched him descending, half a smirk settling on her face. Now she was determined to get him wrapped around her finger.
"You just wait, you'll be asking for me in no time." She called out, the confidence in her tone painfully obvious. When he was no longer in view, she stood out on the balcony, waiting a couple minutes before deciding to head downstairs. She quickly made her way down the steps, heading back out into the main room. People were still around, but there was a decent chunk of people missing from the circle. Who knows where they went.
He descended the stairs with the cat shoving his way through the crowd, making sure to keep the cat safe as he kicked the door open with his foot, earning an applause from the crowd as he tched leaving the house behind him, he stroked the cat gently as they meowed to him. He made his way home and set the cat on his old cats bed, pouring some food in a bowl and petting gently before collapsing on his couch. He didn't know why she tried so hard to get to him, or why she even paid much attention even though he gave reasons he didn't get the reasons.
He sighed rubbing his face.
(Probably not a bad idea, I'll get it in.)
(So it occurred to me, I don't know when to skip too. Any ideas?)
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