@4lagoon4 group
I saw a version of this done with OCs and was curious to know what you guys thought about yourselves 🤔
I saw a version of this done with OCs and was curious to know what you guys thought about yourselves 🤔
I feel like this picture represents me because just like this city I’m always busy. I’m always on the move! Which is represented by the cars going up and down the street, or by the people walking down the sidewalk. For me, I kind of live a fast track life. Whether it’s exploring my passions and seeing where life will take me, studying for school to accomplish my dream job, or improving my skills as an artist so I can draw character sheets. 😂 I love exploring my options and seeing where they can take me. (That’s not always good thing though because sometimes I make bad decisions.💀 But it’s fun nonetheless! XD) Doing to many things at once can cause me to be sleepless however because my mind’s always active. I guess that would fit though because cities don’t really sleep do they?
TLDR: I’m a sleepless city ✨🌃
for some reason, i think this image fits for me, but i haven't figured out why
This fits me. Always worried about attacks from behind, and it feels like I'm wading through water, and it feels like there's not enough light to see by, but I'm making it as best as I can, and I'm not helpless because I have a weapon to help me. It's all I need for the time being.
That one picture from the goose game
or just any screencaps from the goose game
(Whoa! These are all super interesting! 😳)
Here’s the next question:
What made you choose this picture? Why did it stand out to you?
(@Winter-The-Gingersnap Oh wow, that sounds harsh 💀)
(@Winter-The-Gingersnap Oh wow, that sounds harsh 💀)
Yeah man. I'm just uh functioning currently.
@Winter-The-Gingersnap Oh. :( Well if you ever need someone to talk to I’m here! 💪 I might be busy, but I can always make time for someone who needs it.
@Winter-The-Gingersnap Oh. :( Well if you ever need someone to talk to I’m here! 💪 I might be busy, but I can always make time for someone who needs it.
I gotchu fam. I'm actually doing pretty good atm, but if I need it, I will take you up on that offer 🙃
What made you choose this picture? Why did it stand out to you?
oh my mind is so sloppy. my thoughts are always messy, I focus either on everything or nothing around me. I think too fast, it's hard to follow my train of thoughts. I zone out too many times than I should. everything in my head is cramped. maybe it has a special formula for organizing itself, but how could I know.
on the other side, I'm a writer. it's useful to remember so much. I create multiple worlds based upon my imagination and experience, in which I both exist and don't. countless plots, incredibly overanalized characters, every rock and window polished. languages. landmarks. history. gods. everything in my head. sometimes I wonder if I should know that much.
Well I thought we were going with actual pictures of ourselves at first but I guess not (but if it was actual pictures of ourselves this would me mine https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-bjVTIa_Z3Vw/XSFN9eoU0xI/AAAAAAAAGZk/f6YEbjE-1iYGjak2CdBaIVhm4hvA3PQaQCK8BGAs/s0/2019-07-06.jpg) Sence that is not the case it would probably be, this one.
Reason being, I feel trapped all the time, Like no matter how much of the sky I can see and non matter how pretty it is there's still a fence in the way keeping me from escaping. It's suffocating even the prettiest moments are seen from behind bars. But I see less of the fence every day and pretty soon I'm going to leave it behind.
I chose my picture because I often take blurry pictures of scenes I think are pretty. So that even if badly portrayed, I still can keep it in memory somehow. That, and I've lived in big cities my whole life, but they quieter business the picture shows represents me better. Calm, quiet, but there's still so much going on.
That's not all, but that's all I have the patience to write.
@Winter-The-Gingersnap ❤️❤️
@tomat Whoa, I think I know what you mean because I’m kind of the same way but with music. Whenever I hear a song I’ll instantly imagine character, backstory, and plot to follow along with the beat! This happens with any song no matter the genre, and it kind of got to the point where my mind was packed with all these ideas with no where to go. (Mainly because I never wrote them down. 😂) Which lead me to Notebook! (Although yours sounds much more intense 😅)
@Relsey I hope you’ll be free from whatever’s weighing you down soon and experience moments even prettier than the ones you mentioned! I feel like we can all relate, especially with this quarantine and all💀 (Also you look like a model!)
@redwood That’s really cool, I’ve never heard of anyone doing that before. Now I want to know more lol!
(Also sorry for the late replies ;-;)
Okay, first of all @4lagoon4 your mind??? Is amazing??? I need to ask all my friends this
Idk why exactly. Probably because my lil' sis and parents are all very outdoorsy people who love hiking, so most of my happiest childhood memories are in the woods? I also just love those really little moments, whenever you're with people you love, and the sun hits everything around you for a few moments and you just feel completely happy for a bit? I want the rest of my life to be that. I'm just going to go ask everyone I know this question now, excuse me XD
@Kefi Haha thanks! It’s always been this way for me. I can come up with all kinds of animations, characters, and plot lines on the spot! I used to get in trouble though because I’d daydream about them all the time, especially in class. 😂 The downside however is that it’s incredibly addicting, and you can easily get lost in your mind if you have an overactive imagination like me. (That and zoning out all the time makes you look insane lol)
(Also that sounds like so much fun! I always wanted to go hiking but I’m hesitant because of the mosquitos XD)
I'll do why later
Okay time for why XD
So, the city basically represents where I want to be. I want to be in the center of the action, living life in a no-sleep area with industrial and modern everything. The city is where everything happens, and that's where I want to be. The fire illuminating the city represents my urge to change things. You have to burn the old to let the new grow. I am not a traditional person in the slightest, tradition is just peer pressure from dead people. I want to burn everything down and built something better from scratch. I've never minded the heat and intensity of fire, in fact I love it. The water near the city is my strong calmness that usually masks my intense nature. The smoke and storm clouds are how sometimes I feel cloudy and not myself, but under all that, my goals are still the same.
XD yeah arson. Fire has always meant something a lot deeper to me than just a bunch of flames.
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