@AAAAAGGGHH-MJ-MIGHT-BE-AN-ARSONIST Oh wow, I guess I never looked at it that way before. It kind of reminds me of a Phoenix, mainly because of how they’re reborn! They burn the old to create something new, just like how you want to rebuild everything from scratch and make a change in the world. 👏 I’m lowkey betting that’s your spirit animal. Also you both have an affinity for fire lol
Yeah, people always view fire as something that is uncontrollable and destructive, but I've always seen it differently. I see it a something that gives us a chance to start fresh. It gets rid of the old to make way for the new. It's intense and unforgiving, not stopping its progress for anyone or anything. That's what I want to do. I want to change the world. I want to make it a better place for everyone to live, but first I have to get rid of any prejudices, any hate, any sort of discrimination that past generations have hammered into this world. I am assertive and ambitious, unafraid of what people will think of me. Yes, they can try to control me, wait for me to burn myself out, but the thing is, I've been burning bright and long that I can't see any type of fizzling out anytime soon.
Fire might be dangerous, but that doesn't mean it's bad.
Reason: I just want to be carefree and live my live to the fullest with the people I love.
@AAAAAGGGHH-MJ-MIGHT-BE-AN-ARSONIST That’s true! Ambition is the key to accomplishing your goals, and I think everyone can attest to that haha. But it’s the way you handle it that makes a difference in my opinion. Change is great in many aspects but if it’s unrelenting and doesn’t allow people to process the concept of it, it can come off as forced. Which can immediately lead people to turn away from it and the person who suggested it without a second thought. But if people are given a choice of whether they want to change or not then some will follow along willingly without a lot of confusion/conflict. 🤔 At the end of the day, people are going to do what they want to do. (And if 2020 wasn’t a testament to this I don’t know what is 💀) But if you respect that, then it’ll be fine.
@moss Same ;-;