forum Crossover Shenanigans // Closed with @whathappensifidothis // Stalkers welcome
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

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@the-void-phantasmic group


Hey besties this is a funky crossover between our two universes
No I will not be giving any context
Stalk if you want I guess

Timeline will be before sir rat dies the first time around
They’re spawning in The Forest wow

Alr so character sheet I’ll be using and you can use if you want, I just want to spit out some info on my three little shits but whatever you do you

Skin tone:
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair style:
Body type:
Basic outfit:
Scars (optional):
Mental conditions:
Physical conditions:

And uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah crossover shenanigans let’s goooooo

@the-void-phantasmic group

TW for eating disorders and stuff, here be dragons

Name: Resh Corvus
Nicknames: Crow
Age: 61
Gender/pronouns: Gender is fake, He/him
Height: 6’11
Skin tone: v pale
Eye color: traffic cone orange
Hair color: pure white
Hair style: loose and knotted
Body type: twink very thin, like toothpick
Basic outfit: black long sleeved shirt, black pants, black combat boots, black cloak. He’s emo
Scars (optional): uhhh yes
Personality: blunt, sarcastic, can and will fight people, likes small children for some reason
Fears: being responsible for a child’s death (long story), being held captive, also loud noises like thunder spook him easily
Mental conditions: PTSD, severe depression, generalized anxiety
Physical conditions: slight limp in his right leg

Name: Teth Cassiopeia
Nicknames: what
Age: idk mid to late 50s
Gender/pronouns: gender is fake, she/her
Height: 5’1
Skin tone: medium brown
Eye color: blue-green
Hair color: light brown/ dirty blonde
Hair style: box braids
Body type: anorexic very thin
Basic outfit: baggy dark green sweater, dark blue ripped jeans, brown boots, dark gray cloak
Scars (optional): various little scars from being an idiot as a child
Personality: angry, sarcastic, a little rude, hates kids (or does she), loud as hell
Fears: what is fear (She Hates Kids do with that what you will)
Mental conditions: depression, recovering from anorexia
Physical conditions: slightly malnourished and underweight

Name: Tsadi Cepheus (last name might change later)
Nicknames: Dusty (yes Resh is responsible for that)
Age: 60
Gender/pronouns: gender is fake, He/him
Height: 6’8
Skin tone: tan
Eye color: dark green
Hair color: dark blond
Hair style: löng braid
Body type: l a r g e, very muscular and scary yes
Basic outfit: brown pants, a dark green t-shirt, and black boots yes I know that’s basic but :0 he has a green and gray cape He doesn’t match at all he’s a fashion disaster
Scars (optional): many battle scars
Personality: quiet, blunt, easily annoyed, basically your run of the mill war veteran who doesn’t give a shit
Fears: what
Mental conditions: PTSD
Physical conditions: none

author note: yes they’re all technically old farts but they look like they’re in their 20s due to species characteristics
also I’m not putting much effort into these character sheets I apologize

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Resh, Teth, and Tsadi appear in a flash of light in the middle of a small clearing of a forest. Trees like giants surround them, stretching towards infinity. Their canopies are dense and nearly blocking out the sky, save for the clearing they arrived in. The sky itself is covered in a blanket of grey clouds, raining down on the forest. The forest floor has all manner of flora, though not too dense you cannot walk through. Through the rain, the chirps and chittering of various animals can be heard.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Resh was just minding his own business, wandering around aimlessly before being thrown into a… random forest in the middle of nowhere. It kind of looks like the Hidden Forest, but it kind of doesn’t. He growls slightly as he notices the rain, throwing his hood over his head. “What in the name of Megabird just happened-?”

Teth doesn’t even noticed the change in her environment, until she hears Resh speak. She turns around to face him, confused. “Since when did you get here? Wait…” She looks around. “This isn’t my forest. Where are we?”

Tsadi glances at Teth and Resh silently, cursing to himself. Where am I? What happened? Why are these two here?

Resh looks over at Teth. “Hell if I know.” He glances at Tsadi. “Long time no see, Dusty.”

Tsadi glares at Resh. “Don’t call me that.”

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

The flash of light seemed to draw attention from something. There's a slight unnatural rustling of leaves at the edge of the clearing. Not extremely noticeable, but there. A low hissssss comes from the bushes. A creature in the trees cries a shrill warning call.

(Fun fact: hiss sound is pretty much the sound when you burn a dark plant)

@the-void-phantasmic group

Resh notices the leaves rustling, shushing Tsadi and Teth. “There’s something here,” he whispers. He draws his sword when he hears the hissing sound, pointing his sword in its direction.

Teth looks at Resh and Tsadi, then glares in the direction Resh is pointing. “Who’s the—“ She’s interrupted by a shrill noise coming from the trees. She immediately covers her ears, noticing Resh and Tsadi both tense at the noise.

Tsadi pulls out his spear, pointing it where he heard the shrill noise. He and Resh both move in front of Teth, much to her disgruntlement. “What is that?”

Resh doesn’t even glance at Tsadi. “No idea.”

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

A person bursts from the cover of the leaves. But.. it's not a person. At least not any more. Blue and black dark plants grow from their form, clustering especially on their back, and through their chest. Their movements are erratic as they walk towards the three. The hissing noise grows louder, and it's clear it's coming from the infected person.

The sight is shortlived. A figure with large, dragon-like black wings descends down on the infected, plunging their spear right through them. The infected goes limp, before crumbling away into black ash. The winged person looks up at the three people, standing up and dislodging their spear from the ground. "Who in Eden are you?"

@the-void-phantasmic group

Resh stares at the creature, then watches it die not even five seconds later. He stares dead at the person who killed it, narrowing his eyes. “I could ask the same thing.” He pauses for a moment. “…But, since it doesn’t seem like we’re from this world, I guess it’s only fair to introduce ourselves first. I’m Resh Corvus-“ He gestures to himself, then gestures to Tsadi, smirking. “And this is Dusty—“

Tsadi elbows Resh in the side, clearing his throat loudly. “I’m Tsadi. Tsadi Cepheus. Get it right, idiot.” He glares at Resh, Who only huffs in response.

Teth pushes Resh to the side slightly, glaring at both him and Tsadi before stepping in front of them and looking at the stranger. “And I’m Teth Cassiopeia. Who are you?” She glares at them, and she seems like the most aggressive of the trio despite her size.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

The stranger almost laughs at Resh and Tsadi's interaction, but looks at all of them dubiously. "…Resh, Tsadi, and Teth? You're right about not being from here if those are your names." She looks down at Teth, tilting her head slightly. "Harper Blackett. I don't know where you three came from, but I'll have to take you somewhere else." She glances around the forest, making sure there's no more threats.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Resh tilts his head, still staring down Harper. “And how do we know we can trust you? You might try to skewer us with that spear of yours.” He says this with an odd calmness, and his expression remains completely devoid of emotion.

Tsadi rolls his eyes at Resh. “For the love of Megabird, stop acting like an emotionless rock.” He keeps his spear pointed in Harper’s direction, just in case.

Teth facepalms and groans, then looks back up at Harper with a tired expression. “Ignore these two idiots. Where are you gonna take us?”

Idiots?” Resh and Tsadi speak in perfect unison, then glare at each other. “Stop copying me- no you—

Shut it.” Teth turns around and glares at them both, and they immediately stop arguing.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Harper looks at Tsadi's spear, and moves her own so it isn't pointed towards anyone. "I can promise that my goal here is not to hurt you, but to make sure that this forest doesn't kill you." She looks between the three. "However, since you three aren't the typical people who wander out into the more dangerous parts of forest, I'll need to bring you to the king. He has more ability to handle this than I do."

@the-void-phantasmic group

Tsadi lowers his spear, and he looks slightly confused. “Wait, you still have a-“

Teth shushes Tsadi. “We aren’t from here, remember? Their king probably didn’t die a couple hundred years ago like ours did.”

Resh ignores Teth and Tsadi. “Alright, reasonable. Just don’t try anything.” He seems to have a decent amount of trust issues.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Harper raises a brow at them, before turning around and starting towards the forest. "Right then, follow me and don't touch anything that might be dangerous." As she turns around, the back of her wings is visible. It looks suspiciously like a krill's back spikes and tail, but with large wings connected.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Resh is the first to follow Harper, tilting his head at the back of her wings. Reminds me of a krill. Weird. He keeps his sword out, glancing around. If there are zombies here, who knows what else could be here?

Tsadi puts his spear away, looking at Resh. “It’s rude to stare.” So what if she’s has dragon wings that have familiar looking spikes-? It’s probably nothing.

Resh rolls his eyes. “I wasn’t staring at anything.”

Teth huffs and walks between the two of them. “Can you two stop bickering for one second?

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Harper glances back at the three. It's hard to tell if they actually get along or not. Hopefully they won't be too much of a problem. But the things they've said already… are crazy, to say the least. She looks around the forest again. Left Jasper when I went after that dark flower. Should call him. "Might want to cover your ears." She gives them a moment, before whistling for something. Then she continues walking.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Teth covers her ears, but neither Resh nor Tsadi seem to care. They continue to bicker with each other, some of their statements being absolute nonsense. Teth had stopped trying to shut them up, and instead walked ahead of them, visibly annoyed.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Harper looks at Teth curiously. "Are they usually like this?" She jerks her head back, indicating Resh and Tsadi.

Off to the left, the foliage rustles. A creature something between a dog and a snake pops out this time, and begins trotting along with the group. Harper gives him a small pat on the head when he comes to them. "This is Jasper. He's not a threat."

Jasper eyes the strangers curiously, taking an interest in Teth specifically.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Teth sighs and looks up at Harper. “They’re exes, if that says anything.” She glances back at Tsadi and Resh for a moment, shaking her head as they keep bickering. “They’ve been at each other’s throats for years.” She looks at Jasper as he joins the group, tilting her head. “…aw, he’s kind of cute.”

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Harper looks back at Tsadi and Resh. "I see…" Sounds bad. Don't blame them for that, I guess. But if they don't quiet down by themselves, might have to step in.

Jasper looks up at Teth, tilting his head. He nudges her hand with his snout.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Teth pats Jasper on the head, smiling a little. “Well, hi there.” She seems to be a million times more friendly towards Jasper than she’s been with anyone else.

Meanwhile, behind Teth, Tsadi and Resh have stopped bickering. They instead watch their surroundings, occasionally shooting glares at one another.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Jasper happily accepts being pet. He tries jumping on Teth, but is stopped by Harper as she lightly shoves him back onto his four paws. "Джаспер, вниз." She looks back at Teth. "Sorry."

Jasper looks at Harper with a small huff. Almost as if to say "Well, fine." He turns his attention to Resh and Tsadi, sniffing them curiously.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Teth laughs at Jasper, shaking her head at Harper. “No, it’s okay.”

Resh looks down at Jasper and holds a hand out to him. “Hey there, little thing.” Weird little dog-snake thing. It’s cute, though.

Tsadi huffs at Jasper, ignoring him for the most part. He rolls his eyes when Resh holds a hand out to the thing.

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Harper nods at Teth. She looks back at Jasper as he inspects Resh and Tsadi. "For a military stalker, he's pretty friendly." She looks around the forest again, surveying her surroundings. "We'll be to the camp soon."

Jasper pointedly ignores Tsadi at his reaction. Resh was at least nice. He flicks his tongue at Resh's hand, and resolves to walk next to him.