@Eli-the-transboi group
Hehehehehehe let me edit my girl. I’ll post her pic. You can get your kiddo and other girl up here too.
Name: Grace Walters
Age: 24
Gender: Bio Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Clothing/Style: Usually a tank top and leggings. She loves wearing green. Usually some small diamond studs. Usually wears black kinda combat-y boots.
Green. she loves the color. period.
Loud places/noises
Anything else: Has a daughter named Chantelle Walters, who is low-functioning autistic. (Chantelle is a r@pe baby)
Oooo. Here’s my girly
I’ll be uploading pictures instead of descriptions since we’re doing a chill one liner/short response rp.
kk. i just felt like doing a character sheet. idk why. should we get started?
XD it’s cool! Yeah! Would you like to do the starter or should I?
can you? i honestly have no clue what to do
Ok! Give me a bit. This’ll probably be a semi long reply. Idk- I’ll try to keep it short.
the starter can be super long if you want
(Nawww I just said hell to it. Idk- XD)
Chantelle screams, wrapping her arms around her head, sinking down into the ground. She screams louder, and the bright colors flash around her as she sobs.
"It's okay baby, it's okay." Grace wraps her arms around her child.
(imma make chantelle a sensory seeker cause why not)
(Ooo ok)
Suddenly, Devi appears. She was draped in gold and silver and she towered over the two girls. “What is all this noise-“ she blinks as she sees the two. “Oh…oh my.” She bends down to their level. “Why are you here? This is not your place to be.” She looks at the child, then extends a jewel adorned hand out to her. “Shhh…”
Grace looks up at the strange woman, then back down at Chantelle. She again tries to calm her. Grace pulls Chantelle into a big, strong hug. "Who are you?" She asks, accusatory.
Devi looks at her, her gaze immediately hardening. “Devi. Goddess of paradise.” She stands.
"Goddess?" Grace scoffs. "Gods aren't real. If they were I wouldn't be in the situation I'm in."
Devi barks an echoing laugh. “Are you blind? Take a look at where you are.” She motions to their surroundings, then to herself. “Do I look human to you? Is any regular human eight feet tall? No?”
"Some humans are." Grace tries again to calm Chantelle, with no luck.
Devi chuckles. “You mortals.” She rolls her eyes, then looks down at the child. After a moment, she sets down and takes off her chunky gold necklace. She then hands it to the little girl, opening a locket to reveal a sparkling jewel. “Look…how pretty.” She mumbles, setting it in the girls hand. She then opens and closes the locket, making it click. She clicks her tongue slightly as she does this.
Chantelle stares at the locket, calming down. She clicks her tongue in time with the locket opening and closing.
"H-how?" Grace asks.
Devi keeps doing this action and looks at Grace. “How what? How I calmed her? How did you get here? You mortals need to be more specific.” She grins playfully and looks back at the child. “I’ve dealt with many children like her in my day. I have experience.” She lets Chantelle hold the locket and click it open and shut. “Do you like it? Yes or no.” She holds up her right hand as yes, and left as no.
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