@False-andrew flash_on
Medusa and a blind person meet and start dating. That's it. That's the entire plot, lol. Simple, fun romance. Mainly fluff, no smut!
Medusa and a blind person meet and start dating. That's it. That's the entire plot, lol. Simple, fun romance. Mainly fluff, no smut!
(this sounds interesting! Would you be ok with me joining?)
(Sure! I have no issues with that! Which character would you prefer to be?)
(I can be either, though I would have to make a new character if I'm the blind one. It's not a problem either way. Which one do you want to be?)
(I wanted to try taking on the challenge of writing a blind character, actually! I don't have any but I can come up with one pretty quickly)
(Ok! I can be Medusa then!)
(Alright! I'll have a character sheet up and running sometime soon)
(sounds good.)
(quick question… How much of a “monster” do you want me to make Medusa? Aside from the snake hair, I mean. Like how much more physical resemblance to a snake would you be ok with?)
(I mean, my character's blind so it doesn't matter too much- as long as she isn't covered head to toe in scales or have fangs it should be good)
(lol I wasn't thinking about completely covering her in scales! I had considered fangs… But I can scrap that. Don't worry.)
(Sorry- I just want her to be at least passably human when her snakes and eyes are covered)
Name: Trianna Gast
Age: 31
Sexuality: Bisexual
Face and general body shape: https://pin.it/i9CWjhv
Height: 5'4"
Personality: Despite her looks she's actually pretty calm and cool, like nature's brightly colored poisonous/venomous inventions. But just like those inventions, threaten her and you'll see just how dangerous she is. She's a nice woman, loves people and enjoys good jokes. Loves to eat - she loves to cook, actually - and loves animals. She loves working out and boxing.
Backstory: Not really much beyond her blindness; born to lower middle class family, with 4 siblings. She was diagnosed with glaucoma at age 6, when she was complaining of a constant headache. Since her family was poor, they couldn't treat it, so she slowly lost first her periphreal vision then her central vision. She started learning braile at age 9, when she could barely see much out of the corners of her eyes but before her central vision had started to cloud.
(that's fair.)
(oh one more question! Is this a modern world or set in the original time period?)
(Modern, actually. Since, y'know, gotta make it quirky XD)
Name: Medusa G.
Age: 35
Sexuality: formerly Bisexual but has sworn off men because of reasons.
Face and general body shape: her face is diamond-shaped with a sharp chin and cheekbones, while her overall build is lithe despite having noticeable curves (after all she had to catch Poseidon’s eye somehow…)
Height: 6’
Personality: Medusa often prefers to be alone so she doesn't interact with others, giving off a cold, even dangerous, attitude when she has to be around people. She doesn't trust anyone anymore and has a lot of experience putting up walls to keep herself from getting hurt again.
Backstory: Aside from the obvious? Medusa lives as far away from any town as she can. But when she has to go in for any reason, she wears sunglasses and all styles of hair wraps to avoid attracting unwanted attention.
(If I need to include a job… I'm honestly torn between having her be in fashion or a sculptor.)
(I mean, you can if you want to lol. Trianna works as a waitress for a fancy little restaurant, so)
(🤷♀️ probably a sculptor then? Because she can do that at home and handle things by phone or email… and maybe get rid of her “old works” 😉)
(Probably lol)
(So- I'm not exactly sure how to start this! But I'll do my best, and it will work out because I say it will lmao)
(👍 I’m so excited!)
Following her daily gym routine and 2 kilometer jog, Trianna rests lightly against a tree, her bronze skin glistening with sweat.
As per usual, she was simply staring out into the faint haze of the world that was all she could see now, drinking her energy drink, sitting at a café table.
She gets up after a bit, lost deep in thought, her senses - usually well attuned to her surroundings, especially feeling and hearing - duller than normal.
Which is how she runs into another figure. She couldn't really tell who they were - they were wearing a headwrap and sunglasses, obscuring most of their face. But she got the distinct feeling they were female , just from the way their breathe sounded.
For some reason she could also hear a very faint hissing, though she wasn't sure. It could've just been the water pipes of a nearby building.
She also smelled interesting - a mix of spice and reptiles. Not unpleasant, but very unusual.
Trianna clears her throat awkwardly.
"Shit, sorry. Didn't notice you there." she says, embarrassed. "Um- I'm pretty sure you're soaked with energy rink right now, so um. . . I'm going to go grab some napkins, and then I'll introduce myself."
Medusa was not in a good mood. Not to say she was necessarily in a bad mood since it wasn't uncommon for a buyer to want to meet her in person and compliment her skill of making such life-like statues. Honestly, she just wanted to get rid of most of them considering they had tried to kill her years ago. Fortunately, she knew how to act in those situations so she could leave when it got to be too much. Which didn't really take long anymore before she was finally able to head home.
But today she had stopped at a rather cute-looking cafe, hoping they had something that could give her a nice little pick-me-up. Before she could even reach the door, however, she felt something bump into her quickly followed by a cold sticky wetness. It took a lot of her self-control not to lash out at the shorter woman, though her snakes clearly expressed her displeasure through their covering.
“It's alright.” she replied, frowning. “It was an accident.” she hoped for both their sakes.
Trianna smiles briefly in the woman's direction. "Simple courtesy and whatnot. I'll be back in a jiffy."
Sure enough, two minutes later she was back with some napkins and a damp cloth.
"Use the cloth first, scrub the sugar and stuff out, then use as many napkins as you need to dry yourself off." she says kindly.
She's quiet for a moment before sighing again.
"My name's Trianna." she says, her voice now cheerful. "I'm actually legally blind, which is why I bumped into you. Usually I'm paying attention more - my senses, especially my hearing and sense of touch, sharpened a lot over the time that I've been blind. It's actually a lot easier to live without eyes than people think."
The more she talks, the more excited she gets, and the more accent she gains - something between New Yorker and Japanese, if that makes sense. Her voice was a pretty low alto, a voice that seemed shocking from such a tiny woman.
Medusa raises a brow at the other's smile. It had been a very long time since someone gave her a look like that without wanting something. “Thank you.” she smiled slightly back as she accepted the cloth.
Fortunately, none of the drink had landed on her wrap so the situation wasn't too serious. Her snakes would have hated having any of the overly-sugared caffeine on them.
She attempted to focus on cleaning off her blouse and the front of her jacket when the words “legally blind” reach her ears, causing her to pause and look at the now talkative woman. It wasn't her first encounter with someone who couldn't see but it was still… almost a relief when she met them.
“It certainly would be easier for me.” she mumbled as she went back to getting the liquid off. “My name is Melanie and truthfully, I wasn't paying much attention either.” she admitted, her voice smooth as ever. Though she briefly wondered if Trianna would be able to hear her very light Athenian accent or the slight way she “hissed” her s’s.
"Again, no problem! Simple courtesy. If you want to get technical about it, it would be 'chivalry' but honestly, chivalry died the day the gods were born." Trianna chuckles.
She raises an eyebrow at the mumbled words but doesn't comment. People mumble for a reason, in her mind, and it's usually better not to let on that you heard them.
"Melanie, huh? That's a pretty name." she grins. Something odd about her speech, though I can't tell what. I'll just ask her about it.
"So where are you from?" she asks.
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