@Hiro_Shimada here it is! Do you just want to get into it?
@Hiro_Shimada here it is! Do you just want to get into it?
( you go first tho ;-;)
(Lol okay. I’ll have smth up by tonight or tomorrow)
( okay!)
The Alevid Kingdom was vast and wide, and where many avians called home. The House of Sokolov ruled at this time, and they were all distinctly raptors or other predatory birds, as those kinds of birds were considered at the top of the social hierarchy. Songbirds and flightless birds tended to rank at the bottom. Everyone lived in their respective habitats, though there was sometimes overlap. It was a kingdom made of nests hidden in the trees, of burrows in the soil, of caves in the rock. The use of metal was unknown here, and battles were fought mainly with bone and taloned weapons, and bone, leather, or wooden armor. If one looked closely into one of the villages residing in Alevid, they may see a cluster of fortified nests and platforms, and other structures making up small shops and businesses. Shop owners and artisans selling their wares, messengers with their wings built for long distance travel passing by, and young families teaching their young to fly.
Pandi lived in a village like this, one of the port towns nestled along the coast. He and his brother had built a nest near one of the rivers that branched out from the sea. At one point they ran a restaurant together, but once Pandi became one of the queen’s representatives they had to shut it down. Dion couldn’t run the restaurant alone, being so young and with his sibling being called on all the time. Even so, some avians still came to them for a bit of food and drink. And it was on a day like this when Pandi was called to the capital city once again.
Kyro snow, a breed of snow owl. His wings we're about as long as, from his longest feathers to the point where they merged with his, 15 feet. Owls are just as delicate as they were deadly. Owls in general were built for the kill, they're dense feathers made them almost silent when they fly, and their eyes were built to see long distances. Owls can hear better than most birds and pinpoint where that sound is coming from, it wouldn't be a good day to be on Kyros list to kill. The boy was raised by the soldiers of the queen's guard, known to them as a foundling and nothing more. His father was a higher ranking though he honestly never had time for kyro and that gap was filled by song for him. Now and then he'd sing for the royal family when he was on guard, and he was never treated any less than before, though sometimes he may have been treated better if he lifted their moods. Today was Kyros turn to sing for the family and queen, this he was looking forward to.
“You’re welcome, Mr. and Mrs. Koph. Please enjoy your meal.”
Dion’s stiff but practiced voice wafted faintly from below the nest, where Pandi sat swinging his legs over the edge and chewing on the fish they had cooked earlier that day. After a moment they decided that the fish needed to be seasoned more, so they rose and lifted his wings to take him down to the platform where Dion and an old albatross couple were chatting. After greeting them Pandi went over to the kitchenette, reaching up to grab a little shaker with ground herbs inside. They shook it over the fish, then took a bite. Satisfied, he turned to join the others, but was instead met by a man with the wings of a peregrine falcon in a well-dress uniform. He wore a large bag at his waist, and held out a small scroll to Pandi.
“You are Representative Hal of the Blue River District, correct?” He said. Dion was looking at them, and now he moved over to stand nest to his brother.
“Yes, I am,” Pandi replied, taking the scroll and setting down his plate.
“You’ve been called to the capital for business. Her Majesty the queen expects you there.”
“Thank you,” they nodded to the messenger, who turned and launched from the platform, taking flight. Pandi opened the scroll, Dion looking over his shoulder.
“What is it?” he asked.
His sibling shrugged. “The usual. A gathering to exchange news and keep friendly relations between the districts. It will be fun to see everyone again. Ah, but…”
Dion tilted his head. “You have to leave now…?”
“Soon, at least, if I want to get there on time.” Pandi gave him an apologetic look.
“I’ll be fine,” he waved them off. “I’ll have the Kophs check up on me every once in a while.”
“Okay.” Pandi gave him a side hug. “I’ll be back after about a week.”
Dion hugged him back. “Okay. Be safe.”
“Be safe.”
Kryo fluttered around doing things for the military, getting things ready for singing, and just all around helping in the Queen as much as he could. Hed saw the Queen as his mother and hoped she saw just as much in him. Kyro wasn't much for the bronze, he was into reading and scrawling doing things and sewing. He took private lessons daily on fighting and lessons the royal family would take like math and reading. His personal favorites were songwriting and astronomy.
Queen Rowena made her way around the palace, called the Nidum, preparing for the arrival of the representatives. She was a strong, silent type, a powerful figure that showed in her physique. She was tall and curvy, with dark hair and sharp eyebrows. Her yellow eyes could give a piercing stare that nearly anyone could succumb to. Her full lips only spoke words that were carefully thought through. She bore the wings of a Eurasian sparrowhawk, dark on the dorsal side and speckled on the ventral side.
She now stopped to rest and eat with her brothers, David and Edward. She had invited Kyro to join them, not only to sing for them, but to discuss the entertainment he would be providing during the event.
Meanwhile, Pandi was now flying along the coast, their village disappearing over the horizon. Another representative from the Blue River District flew with him, a woman with the wings of a capped heron. They knew her from the years before, but they couldn’t recall her name. He planned to stop and rest for the night with her though, and they could hopefully meet up with the other representatives from their districts before they all arrived at the Nidum together.
“ I planned to sing, as usual, and maybe even ask help to come up with a dance. I finally saved up enough to buy new strings for my guitar and I'm getting better at more complex melodies. “ he mentioned as he ate, kyro kept his eyes on his food, something was bothering him but he'd never talk about it in front of anyone.
The snow owl shifted his wings around himself, keeping cool from the warmer palace. He was a winter bird, enjoying the cold was his thing. Kyro couldn't wait for free time to get out and play in the early snow.
Prince David smiled at Kyro. “That sounds wonderful. I’m sure it will be successful.”
He had the wings of a red kite, their rich ginger and dark brown gradient fluttering as he spoke. He peered at the snowy owl with a pale yellow gaze, revealing the compassion held there.
The queen studied the musician as she sipped her tea. Laying down the cup with a small sigh, she pursed her lips. “Kyro… you seem troubled. Is everything alright?”
“ yeah, I'm fine, “ he said and shrugged off his ‘problem’ he wouldn't discuss the fact that he was lonely in the castle. But not for a matter of friends but for another reason. He only ever talked to the Queen about it. Kyro excused himself and stood up, taking the plates to the kitchen for the servants and walking back to his chambers. Kyro changed into his pjs and relaxed on his bed.
David’s smile faded as he turned to his sister. “What was that about? He doesn’t look well.”
She already suspected what it was. “Oh, never you mind about it. He clearly doesn’t want to talk about it.” She took a bite of her roasted mouse.
The woman’s name was Cecile Phiro, as it turned out. At one point she and Pandi stopped to perch on a tree and rest, and took the opportunity to reintroduce themselves. They chatted for a bit, then decided to take flight again. With some hesitance they began to move inland, into the heart of the kingdom where the Nidum stood.
Kyro took the opportunity to play his guitar and practice, He was getting pretty dang good. He sang to himself.
(Imma do a lil skippy skippy)
( kay kay)
It was now evening, and Pandi and Cecile had found a roost to stay in for the night. Soon enough the other representatives from their district had arrived, along with some from other districts. This roost was apparently a fairly popular stopping point whenever someone had official business that had to do with the Nidum.
All the representatives from the Blue River District ate and talked together, then retired for the night. Even though all of the other representatives were rather friendly, Pandi still felt rather alone and not apart of the group. Perhaps it was because he was young, he didn’t know. They sat in the small nesting room he would be sleeping in, preening his feathers.
Meanwhile, everything in the Nidum was prepared for tomorrow’s event. All that was left was to arrange the preparations to recieve the coming guests.
“ mom, I'm going to fly and meet the guests at their roost to guide them back to the castle. Fathers orders. “ he'd been so casually talking with the children of the royal court and gotten to comfortable to notice he’d called the Queen mom until it was too late. “I… I'm sorry my queen! I didn't mean to be informal..” he mumbled soon after.
(Who’s “Father”?)
( the caption of the army probably)
(K cool)
( k yt)
“It’s alright, Kyro,” the queen replied. “Just don’t call me that in front of others.”
They were alone save for Rowena’s lady-in-waiting, who stood out of the way. They sat in the sitting room outside of her chambers.
“When are you leaving? Would you like me to send a guard with you?” She asked.
“ I'm leaving tonight, “ he said solemnly. “ no, I don't think I'll need a guard. I'm just as trained as they are.” he said.
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