She studied him for a moment, then leaned back. “Alright. You nocturnal birds…” she shook her head. “So, you will fly to the roost where the representatives are staying and accompany them to the Nidum. Leave when you are ready. Be safe.” She gave him a brief, warm smile.
Kyro nodded, though he ran back to the Queen and gave her a gentle hug. He let go soon after and ran off to grab his bags, ready to get on with the night. He took flight in the cold air around the castle and loved every bit of it.
Pandi now settled in the nest, trying to sleep. Sometimes it was difficult though, especially when he wasn’t in a completely familiar bed. His wings seemed to brush against the soft down and wood uncomfortably, and he couldn’t get into a comfortable position. They tossed and turned, eventually giving up and just laying on their stomach.
Kyro made the trip within a few hours of constantly flying. He knocked on the door softly, making the soft sounds Of a snow owl
The roostkeeper, and old barn owl woman, met him at the door. After learning of his purpose for being there, she knocked on the doors of the representatives, calling for them to wake up.
At this point, Pandi had been sleeping restlessly. The knock on his door and the calling to get up roused him, but they wished they hadn’t. Who would want to be awake at this hour, aside from nocturnal birds?
When he wandered out of his nesting room, one of the representatives from his district, an older avian named Ace, told them that sometimes they would send escorts to accompany them to the Nidum. Then the escort must be a nocturnal bird, Pandi thought grumpily.
Kyro waited patiently for them to gather, his eyes glowing brightly from the darkly lit room. He watched as the first few came in, bowing at the waist
He waited until they all followed in before explaining his purpose and making sure to say that if they needed a couple of hours more to sleep he'd let them
There were a dozen representatives in all, four from three districts. They all gathered on the first floor. Half of them were diurnal and the other half were nocturnal, but they couldn't leave the diurnal half behind to sleep. The roostkeeper reminded them that if they left now, they could make it to the Nidum before dawn. A vote was held, and it was decided that they would all follow Kyro through the night, but hoped that Her Majesty would allow them all to rest once they arrived.
Pandi groaned and tried to wake themself up so he could be prepared for the long flight. Nearly all of the Blue River representatives were diurnal, so they all felt rather unlucky. When Pandi first spotted the escort, however, they were intrigued. It was always interesting when he saw a winter avian, their colors were always so white and their wings so thick and fluffy.
After a few more minutes the representatives were ready to depart.
Kyro was talking to a representative before his blue eyes met pandis, he gave a soft smile and looked back to the representative. Once they were done he went to pandi “ we’ll be flying kinda like geese, I'll lead and you guys can follow. I know some of you are diurnal but the only time I am really up and about is during the night. I assure you the Queen will let you rest a bit before the meeting.” he said softly. Kyro wasn't a real loud speaker.
Pandi gave him a thumbs up. “Sounds good,” he said, his voice louder than Kyro’s, despite their tiredness. “I’m Pandi Hal, by the way, of the Blue River District. Thanks for being our escort.”
He looked forward to resting at the Nidum. The royal family never disappointed when it came to providing for their guests. They hoped to write a letter to Dion once they arrived too, so they could maintain communication between them.
Kyro nodded “ lets get ready guys!” he called. He went out side, waiting for everyone to come outside before he gave them a small notice “ I know you all are tired but we must keep up! “ he said and jumped backward off the edge of the cliff. It took a few seconds before the sudden show of his white wings were seen again, his wings were fairly bigger when it came to most snow owls. Time seemed to slow, the snow catching up with his feathers, the first avain his crystal blue eyes met was pandis. His body curled into a position, like a crouch. ( kinda like spiderman when he jumps) he flapped his wings hard though little to no sound was made. The faster they got there the quicker they all could sleep
(I may be able to post smth tomorrow, my apologies!)
They followed him, and saw Kyro jump off. Pandi caught his eyes and gasped softly. They were so clear and blue… Pandi’s own eyes held Kyro’s, glowing amber in the dark.
One by one the representatives jumped off and flew after the escort, arranging themselves into a V-shape, with Kyro at the lead.
He marveled at the way their escort’s wings made no sound, and was acutely aware of the sound their own wings made, beating against the rushing wind.
Kyro would look back every now and then. It took him a bit, going slower for the diurnal. Though as soon as the sun had started shining kyros steady pace Dropped to an uneven glide. He was happy when they made it to the castle, now he looked almost exhausted. Though that may have been caused by his nocturnal schedule
By the time dawn turned the sky pink, the flock was doing their best to keep their wings stretched out straight, and glided on every wind current they came across. When the Nidum came into view, everyone seemed to sigh with relief, including Pandi. Everyone was tired now.
The Nidum stood as a tall, ginormous tree, structures and rooms built from the trunk and branches. Like a treehouse, but as a palace. A tree palace. There were rows of buildings that branched out from the Nidum that acted as guarding posts. A landing platform near the top of the tree was where they were headed; it acted as the main entrance and guards and some representatives from other districts filled the space. Pandi took a breath and tried to hang on until they landed.
Kyro stumbled to a knee when he landed, getting up slowly and looking back at the group. “ I'll show you too your rooms..” He said and walked to the dorm-like rooms. It was odd, kyro seemed to be one of the very few snow owls on sight. He watched as all the reps went into their suits and he himself went back to the queen. “ every representative is in bed for a few hours while we prepare ma’am.” he voice was strained slightly as he talked.
They followed him, eager for a warm bed and time to rest. A few paused to greet the representatives from other districts and such, but soon everyone who had been escorted by Kyro was in their provided rooms. Pandi roomed with Ace, as he usually did, and as they were both diurnal birds, they were asleep within a short fifteen minutes.
Meanwhile, the queen was awake, in bed eating breakfast. A servant flew around, drawing back curtains and going through her closet to find a good outfit for the day. Rowena raised her head when Kyro entered.
“Ah, good,” she nodded. “I would advise you to rest as well. I wouldn’t want you to be sleep deprived when we have important business to take care of.”
Kyro inclined his head to show he understood. Eventually the avain got laid down and slept for a good bit, longer then he had wanted to actually. He got up and dressed insomthing meant for a party, he knew what was up ahead for the representatives and wanted to look stunning along side the queen as she’d always looked so pretty. Kyro walked into her room hesitantly “ h..hey mom.. would you wanna do my hair or something?”
(Sorry my brain has been empty)
(I’ll have to reply tomorrow. It’s fine, it’s not your fault)