Kaito sighed softly as he walked into the classroom. It was just another school day, although he didn't really want to be there at the time. At least he'd be able to see his boyfriend, though. Being with Kokichi was a comforting thought, and it gave him the motivation to actually go to school. Of course, he would have gone either way since he didn't want to concern anyone by not showing up, but Kokichi gave him more of a reason to come, even he was tired and pretty sure that he was getting sick.
Kokichi was sleeping on his desk, having not slept last night
Kaito sat at his desk next to Kokichi, a bit concerned that his lover was asleep at his desk. He was usually pretty energetic, usually causing some form of chaos. However, he decided to let him sleep for a few more minutes. If he didn't wake up after that, then he would wake him, but he didn't want to do that.
Kokichi did sleep, his body refusing to wake as he regained his energ.though it didn't last for long, Kiibo had woken him up before the bell
Kiibo appeared to be a bit concerned about Kokichi as he watched him sleep, but he was also aware that he needed to be awake before class began. While he did feel a bit bad for waking him, he figured that it would be better if he was awake at the time.
"Apologies for waking you, but class is about to begin," he stated softly. "Also, are you alright? You're not usually one to sleep before class…"
Kaito nodded in response to his comment. He was a bit worried about his lover as well, but he didn't say anything at the time as he just let the other two interact.
" just tired.."
"That's certainly strange, knowing you," Kiibo responded. "Is there any way that I can help you? If you're that tired, maybe you should just take the day off. There's no need to worry about it. The school will understand."
" i- I can't, I need to be at school.. I'll be fine" he said and yawned shortly after
Kiibo sighed softly. "Alright, if you say so. Also, your boyfriend is here and right next to you, if that will help you feel any better," he responded before turning around so he could take his own seat.
Kokichi looked over and gave a tired smile
Kaito returned the smile that Kokichi gave him, although there didn't appear to be much, if any, energy behind his smile, which was unusual since he was usually pretty energized by the time that class started. He just appeared to be oddly tired that morning.
Kokichi ended up falled asleep halfway through class, not able to wake
Kaito sighed softly as he saw that Kokichi was falling asleep, but he was asleep a couple of minutes later, and even as the bells rang to dismiss them, he didn't wake up. The entire school day passed without him waking up, which was a bit unusual since he was typically so energetic.
Kokichi finally got woke up from the teacher, heading back to his dorm with a write up and a detention
Somehow, nothing had been an issue with Kaito, although Shuichi was concerned about him throughout the day. By the time the day was over, he sighed softly and woke his best friend up. After he woke him, he just decided to take him back to the dorms, and they ran into Kokichi on the way.
"Oh, hey," Shuichi said to Kokichi. "It seems that you and your boyfriend are both pretty tired. Look, just make sure that he takes care of himself, alright? I have things to do, so I'm leaving him with you."
Kokichi nodded " wanna go take a nap?" He asked softly
Kaito sighed softly at the question and shook his head. He was still pretty tired, but he had slept through almost the entire school day, and he had slept a bit the night before, so he didn't think that he needed to get even more sleep. His energy was just pretty low that day.
"I'm alright, Kichi…" he responded softly. "I just slept through all of school somehow…"
" okay, at least lay with me?" He asked nestling into the other
Kaito nodded in response. He honestly wouldn't mind cuddling with Kokichi at the time, but he enjoyed that on any day, good or bad. He just loved giving his lover the affection that he was always craving.
"Alright, that's fine," he replied softly. "I'll cuddle with you. Also, are you alright? You seemed tired this morning… I mean, you were asleep when I got there…"
" I'm just not feeling good at the moment.. it'll pass"
Kaito thought about the response for a moment and nodded in response. He didn't think that Kokichi was hiding anything from him, and he honestly felt bad that he was hiding how he felt, but he just didn't want his lover to worry about him.
"Oh, alright," he responded softly. "Hopefully my cuddles will help you."
It was strange for him to make a playful comment without any energy in his tone, but he just didn't have the energy that day. While he wanted to hide it and focus on his boyfriend rather than himself, he wasn't entirely sure how much longer he could ignore his own issues.
Kokichi gave a quiet laugh
Kaito heard the quiet laugh since he was waiting for his lover to respond. He wasn't sure what exactly he was laughing at, but he was glad to not be met with any concern. He just hoped that everything was okay with his lover as well.
"What's so funny?" he asked softly. "I just wanna make you happy."
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