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Kajou are the dominant race of Andalaxia. They are the only sentient, non-animal creature on the planet, similar to the situation of humans. They are physically similar to a large wolf-person, and can grow up to 8 feet.The race is extremely technologically advanced, having achieved effective space travel and other advanced technologies.

Kajou are a large race. While a healthy Kajou is thin and lean, the average height for an adult Kajou is 7 or 8 feet tall, depending on gender and type. They have thick fur, as Andalaxia is mostly a cold planet, and are warm-blooded. Kajou are generally bipedal, but can walk and sprint on all fours, and often take animal-like stances when sitting or laying. Kajou are carnivorous, although they can tolerate plants in small amounts and can even be hydrated with juices from fruit. The teeth of a Kajou are simply a row of small, sharp teeth. Kajou can eat raw meat without a problem, but most people prefer it to be cooked.They lack prominent fangs, relying on claws and brute strength when hunting, or weaponry, in modern times. The Kajou are a mammalian race. Reproduction-wise, Kajou have very similar organs and reproduction to humans. Like mammals, female Kajou sustain newborn young with milk. Kajou are born in singlets, though there is the occasional set of twins, triplets, and so on. Male and female Kajou have basic sexual dimorphism. Males tend to be larger and bulkier, while females tend to be smaller, and have wider hips. Kajou come in two types, Lesser Kajou and Greater Kajou. Lesser Kajou are usually smaller, with a lighter frame and pelt. Greater Kajou are bigger, furrier, and put on muscle more easily. Lesser and Greater Kajou can and do reproduce, but what you think of "hybridization" does not occur. A Greater Kajou and Lesser Kajou will produce Greater Kajou and Lesser Kajou. However, two Greater Kajou can produce a Lesser Kajou, if they have Lesser lineage. There is a "third type," although it does not naturally occur, and is a transformation that results in a prion. Nature is not kind to Kajou that feed on their own kind. Cannibal Kajou grow too big, too quickly, grow mounds of benign but painful tumors, and have their brains hardwired to constantly be on the hunt for food. These Kajou are far and few between, and nearly all countries make it a requirement by law to shoot down a cannibalistic Kajou immediately. Kajou, like humans, come in different cultures and countries. There are multiple different languages spoken around the globe, and a vast number of different cultures. Depending on where you go, Kajou will often look slightly different.

This universe contains...
3 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Sunny Apprentice to Samar
group Masari cannibal daddibal
group Samar Military Leader of Colony 0

2 locations reorder
terrain Locations close
terrain Oblivion Desert The Oblivion Desert is one of Anadalaxia's many "ice deserts." It's dry and sandy there, as the typical desert is, but it's also extremely cold.
terrain Colony 0 Colony 0 is an underground civilization, stationed in the forgotten deserts. Originally, it was a quarantine where the sick were sent, but as the quarantine was forgotten and the sickness faded awa...

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