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- {:area=>"What kind of area is %{name} in?", :climate=>"What is the climate like in %{name}?", :crops=>"What crops does %{name} produce?", :currency=>"What currencies are used in %{name}?", :established_year=>"When was %{name} established?", :founding_story=>"How was %{name} founded?", :language=>"What languages are spoken in %{name}?", :laws=>"What are the laws in %{name}?", :located_at=>"Where is %{name} located?", :motto=>"What is %{name}’s motto?", :notable_wars=>"What notable wars has %{name} been involved in?", :population=>"What is %{name}’s population?", :sports=>"What sports are played in %{name}?", :type=>"What type of location is %{name}?", :description=>"Describe %{name}.", :name=>"What is %{name}’s full name?"}

Sunny, Sam

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