info Overview
Name - What is this universe's name?

The Continent

Genre - What genre best describes The Continent?


Description - How would you describe The Continent?

jus a continent with some kingdoms in it

book History
History - What is The Continent’s history?

at first it was jus a buncha people on The Continent, but then Seven Prophets or something introduced magic to them, making everything better. They were worshipped as Gods, and the people let them establish their own kingdoms, with everyone joining whichever one they wanted. Each Prophet represented a different magical element, and they could gift magic to whoever they wanted.

The Prophets had children, who would each be the continuation to the royal bloodline. With royal blood, you get the ~unique magic~ that the Prophets once had.

gavel Rules
Magic System - What is the magic system like in The Continent?

There are five basic elements: fire, water, life, earth, and energy.

There are two additional elements: life and dark.

the type of magic you have depends on genetics. you get it once youre born, theres no way to change it. it awakens at an early age, usually at 18 at the absolute latest. if it doesn't awaken at that point its safe to assume you just werent born with magical power.

People with magic can either have an element on its own, or a mix of a basic and addition element. (like water magic, or light earth magic).

Depending on the element youre born with, magic can manifest differently. for example, one person with light magic can have lightning magic, while another can have night vision magic.

Laws of Physics - What are the laws of physics like in The Continent?

jus normal laws of physics i suppose.

Technology - What is the level of technology like in The Continent?

jus the usual technologies available in fantasy universes.

edit Notes

parents usually send their kids to a generic school from kindergarten to 8th grade. this is so they can learn basic skills and learn to socialize. from this point on, instead of going to a high school, they have to choose a specific school to go to to learn specific skills. they basically have to choose what job they want to do at this point, and go to a school to train for it. they usually switch schools a few times before deciding on what they want.

history Changelog
This universe contains...
2 characters reorder
group Characters close
group Morell main character, antagonist
group Reynara protagonist

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