info Overview
Name - What is Morell’s full name?


Role - What is Morell’s role in your story?

main character, antagonist

Other names - What other aliases does Morell go by?

Sonniel (cus thats who hes impostering)

Gender - What is Morell’s gender?


Age - How old is Morell?


face Looks
Body Type

average i guess? hes tallish, with a bit of a lithe figure. hes not very muscular, since he prefers a more graceful and strategic fighting style.

Skin Tone

light, not too pale

Race - What is Morell’s race?

white, human.

Eye Color - What is Morell’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Morell have?


Hair Style - How does Morell style their hair?

short, neatly cut.

Hair Color - What color is Morell’s hair?

dark brown

Height - How tall is Morell?


Weight - How much does Morell weigh?

155 pounds

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Morell have?

his scary red eyes? idk lol

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Morell have?

hes good with a sword, and uses a rapier. he has a unique fighting style where he combines that with his gravity magic.

hes also a good talker, and can easily get what he wants. good with people in general.

also a good liar.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Morell have?

he dislikes people who rely on emotions and impulses to make important judgement, and overly emotional people in general.
this is mostly him projecting, since his own emotional side is something he dislikes about himself.

Flaws - What flaws does Morell have?

manipulative, fake af, compulsive liar.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Morell have?

he spends a lot of time outside the castle, taking lots of opportunities to socialize. he often goes to see plays and shows. he also spends a lot of time in other kingdoms, getting to know their culture through their entertainment, literature, and people. he likes his own kingdom the best, but he likes finding things to appreciate in other kingdoms as well.
spends a lot of time reading. its mostly nonfiction about history and lore, but sometimes he reads the storybooks that elise (his fiancée) is obsessed with so he can understand her when she rambles about them.
he is also often improving his skills as a fighter, often participating in sparring matches and practicing his skill with a sword and magic. occasionally he takes semi-dangerous jobs from public request boards to test out his abilities on the field.
also, does doing work for the secret organization hes a part of count of a hobby?

Personality type - What personality type is Morell?

he presents himself as easygoing and relaxed, and almost dainty. he acts kind in general, but still teases people and is a little mean to people he thinks deserve it. his insults tend to be passive aggressive, and said with a smile, leaving people unsure how to respond to them. hes good at talking with people, and has a relaxed sense of humor that makes people comfortable around him. people are quick to trust him.

around other members of the secret organization, he drops the act and his true self shows through more. hes cold and calculating, even at a relatively young age he managed to earn a lot of respect from his fellow members. he has a crueler, more dry sense of humor, sometimes dropping jokes about some of the deaths their organization is responsible for. he doesn't smile as much, and isn't afraid of telling people to leave him alone when they're bugging him.

Motivations - What motivates Morell most?

he wants to explore other dimensions, since he's ambitious and has a strong drive to know what's out there. he feels trapped on the continent.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Morell have?

hes quite reserved, keeping himself composed almost all the time. rarely relaxes. has a mature posture in general. he has a habit of rubbing his neck when he gets nervous.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Morell’s favorite possession?

he collects historical artifacts, since hes a lowkey history nerd. i donno what he has specifically though.

Religion - What religion does Morell practice?

he believes in the standard religion of The Continent. He doesnt spend too much time worshiping The Gods like some people do, but he still respects them, sometimes participating in ceremonies and giving offerings.

Politics - What politics does Morell have?

hes quite fond of his own kingdom, proud of it being what is considered the strongest and richest. he approves of their more unforgiving way of life, liking the survival of the fittest mentality. he sees other kingdoms as inferior, and even thinks of some of the other royal families as embarrassments, thinking that they're not taking their authority seriously with the way they run things.
his superiority complex isnt exactly cruel, its more condescending, in a "it's not your fault you're inferior" kind of way.
although his views tend to be quite harsh, he sugar coats them when telling them to other people, and avoids talking about them at all when visiting other kingdoms.

Occupation - What is Morell’s occupation?

prince/Feather Hat Faction member

Favorite color - What is Morell’s favorite color?

red. like, a darker red, like crimson. he likes the color of roses, and keeps some in his room.

Favorite food - What is Morell’s favorite food?

dark chocolate. also likes other bitter foods.

Favorite weapon - What is Morell’s favorite weapon?

his rapier

Favorite animal - What is Morell’s favorite animal?

snakes. he thinks they're cute, which a lot of people dont understand.

info History
Education - What is Morell’s level of education?

he went to a rich school with other students until he was 13, then at that point he got private education from people at the castle to teach him how to be a prince or whatever. yeah i didnt think this through much yet...

Birthday - When is Morell’s birthday?

October 23rd

Background - What is Morell’s background?

i guess i just put his backstory here? oh boi here we go...

-he was next in line for the throne after his older twin brother sonniel, and he was bitter about that

-an Evil-Demon-Thing visited him when he was like 8 and made a deal to help him get rid of his brother in exchange for shared control of his body

-morell accepted the deal, and the EDT helped him manipulate his brother into switching place with him, and then getting sonniel (disguised as morell) exiled while morell (disguised as sonniel) stole his identity and took his place

-things continued on as normal for the next few years, with morell occasionally blacking out while the EDT took control. no one really noticed anything was wrong so he didnt worry about it

-but while he blacked out, the EDT was going around killing people to like,,, make the death god more powerful or whatever

-one day a dude from the Feather Hat Faction noticed something was up, and discovered that he was going around killing ppl

-so he brought morell back to their Secret Base where they exorcised the EDT out of him

-after that they offered to let morell join their Secret Organization, since his status as the crown prince could be useful. he accepted the offer cus he was a dumb kid who thought it would be cool

-as he worked for the FHF, his job was to lure Certain People into their Secret Base so they could be killed and have their Special Energy taken.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

dont be mad, i did it for the aesthetic.


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