A Universe Made in Heaven
??? B.H. - King Nothing is born.
??? B.H. King Nothing spawns Delkhii/Tholos, Chrono/Aster, Photia/Lykos, and Xaiver.
??? B.H Photia/Lykos are split apart from the arm.
??? B.H. Aster and Delkhii give birth to Thalassa.
??? B.H. Photia and Aster give birth to Fotismeni.
??? B.H. Delkhii and Chronos give birth to twins: Zoe and Kosmar.
??? B.H. Aster and Delkhii give birth to Vrontanna.
??? B.H. Fotismeni and Aria give birth to Nima, Gradi, Fonias, Draíotcha, and Coredelia.
??? B.H. Delkhii creates the Fae/Nature Spirits.
0 B.H. Faery King Karoto starts to record history
5 B.H. An unnamed Fae is murdered, and comes back as Timeros.
100 B.H. Zoe creates all animal life.
105 B.H. Lykos and Zoe give birth to Pagida.
120 B.H. Delkhii creates plant life.
190 B.H. Zoe, Fotismeni. Kosmar, and Xaiver work on creating intelligent life.
300 B.H The soul is created.
300 B.H. Fotismeni creates Aima
300 B.H. Zoe takes all credit for the creation of the soul.
300 B.H Kosmar becomes the God of Death as revenge.
300 B.H. Fotismeni puts the instructions on how to make a soul in the public domain.
300 B.H. Xaiver disassociates himself from the other gods.
0 A.E. Zoe creates the first 50 humans.
0 A.E. Humans take over record keeping and reset it to 0
0 A.E. Zoe kidnaps Fae and converts them to demon lords by accident.
0 A.E. Fotismeni travels across Delkhii and teaches how to use Aima.
50 A.E. Demons attempt to take over the gods.
50 A.E. A war breaks out between the Gods, Imperial dragons and humans vs Zoe and the demons
90 A.E. The 14 divine weapons are created and given to the heroes
95 A.E. The first God of War is killed and the Seraph Mydius takes his place.
160 A.E. The Gods win the war against the demons
161 A.E. Faerie war heroine, Via, ascends to godhood
162 A.E. Famous thief Kleftis and war heroine Fonias ascend to godhood.
160 A.E. The demons are sealed away in the Abyss
160 A.E. The Gods start a new civilization on a new continent, named after Delkhii
160 A.E. Zoe takes control of the old continent
165 A.E. Zoe attempts parthenogenesis and Miseto and Pnigmo born.
167 A.E. A prank gone wrong by Lykos causes him and Photia to become enemies.
170 A.E. The heroes start new countries: Germania, Wu Xia, Notia, Dasos, and Pagon
171 A.E. The Church of Photia is set up in Sonnenschein, Germania
171 A.E. The Church of Lykos is set up in Notia
171 A.E. The Mage University of Draiotcha is founded in Caesaromagus, Dasos
200 A.E. A war between the Gods and the Imperial Dragons brakes out,
299 A.E. The Imperial Dragons are defeated and the survivors go into hiding underground
301 A.E. Wu Xian government collapses due to the war, resulting in rival clans controlling the land
1500 A.E. Viscar Caroline IV declares a Crusade against Notia in order to reclaim holy land.
1530 A.E. Viscar Caroline IV destroys Varan, Notia with Divine Sun Magic: Sun's Judgement
1535 A.E. Marauding Magpies disband
1560 A.E. Miyu departs to Germania
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Created universe about 7 years ago
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Invited about 7 years ago
This universe was created by Kai on with 1 contributor.
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