info Overview
Name - What is Church of Photia's name?

Church of Photia

Other names - What other names is Church of Photia known by?

Church of the Everlasting Sun

Description - How is Church of Photia usually described?

The religion of the Sun

forum Beliefs
Obligations - What kinds of obligations are required of those who practice Church of Photia?

Never marry
Never engage in sexual activities

Teachings - What values does Church of Photia teach?

Destroy evil and devil worshipers whenever possible

Places of worship - Where does Church of Photia worship happen?

Cathedral of Sunlight

account_balance Traditions
Rituals - What rituals are common with Church of Photia?


Initiation process - What does the Church of Photia initiation process entail?

The Church only allows female members to join. Then, you undergo the ritual of sunlight, which then grants you divine powers as long as you obey the rules of the church. You are then given Photia's Ring as proof of membership.

location_on Spread
Practicing races

Practicing locations

history Changelog
edit Notes
Country chevron_right Religions link linked Church of Photia

Deity chevron_right Religions link linked Church of Photia

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